What the heck is hapenning with the Adobe Programs? WTH!

August 5th, 2016

Everyones getting the error 147:20 EVERYONE! Does this have something to do with Vista or something (censor) Vista. I think its Vista. Heres what hapenned…
1. I restarted my computer
2. I open dreamweaver to finish my shcool project
3. Error 147:20 I got it again
4. I already used the clean up tool for it after uninstall and then reinstalled but then I got it again.
5. It seemed to work fine until I restart. I even shut down my computer and came back to it the next day.
Bit Defender Problems
1. Bit Defender no longer has 14,000 days anymore it says zero! I already patched the patch.
Is this a Vista problem. Is Microsoft making sure that every program that runs is no longer illegal? What is going on this is perhaps the biggest threat to piracy ever?

Answer #1
Maybe the Dreamweaver problem is a Vista Issue.
Try downloading another bit defender, the crack could just not be working.
I don’t think Microsoft could do what you are suggesting. There are far too many programs, and too many cracks, keygens, etc. for them to do that. The complexity and the scale of doing something like that would be far too great to even bother. Also I’m sure a large # of PC users are using some kind of pirated program, and if pirated stuff stopped working on Windows, there would be a lot of people switching over to either Mac, or Linux. This wouldn’t make any sense for Microsoft to do even if it were possible.


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