Resoloution issue?

August 3rd, 2016

Yo w-bb dudes, basically im having a problem withfinding the correct resolotuion form y tv: its a 1080p hd panasonic 42″ plasma, ive tried almost erverything, in both nvidia resoloution settings and windows, im currently on 1920 by 1080, but thats too big for my screen somehow, and everything else is too small: i end up with black borders round the side of the screen. However when playing games, the monitor goes into full screen 1080p for some weird reason, any help??
Answer #1
Are you connecting it through DVI/HDMI or through VGA?
Answer #2
Through HDMI, sorry should have already said that, also im using a Nvidia 9800gt
Answer #3
It sounds strange. When you say “too big” do you mean you have to scroll the screen around with the mouse?
Answer #4
no i mean that i cants see the start button, about 1/8th of my start bar is off screen, my icons are too smal for me to see, and it is cutting of the sides of webpages: for instance i cant see the ‘S’ in your name next to you’re avvy.
Answer #5
cracked it: than ks dude ive found the correct resolotuion, just messed witht the resize desktop thing tyvm for the help m8
Answer #6
Great you got it sorted


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