Want to backup 25,000 images

August 23rd, 2013

Hi all,
As i mentioned about that i have a huge bunch of images and i want to take backup. I first thought of burning it on DVD’s but that will make a huge stack as there are many images.
I have a standard CD/DVD Writer so i my thought of burning it on a blue ray also goes in vain.
Lastly i thought of the “cloud” but then i am not sure if their servers are good enough and what if they crash then i will not get anything back.
So guys please suggest me a way to backup the whole bunch of images.
Awaiting your helpful replies.

Answer #1
How much data?
Mozy Home Free is good for up to 2GB of data for free.
Answer #2
Depends on how much amount of data you required. You could compress the files and upload it to a file server such as; Rapidshare, Megaupload, Filesonic, etc. if you happen to have an extensive amount of data.
I highly recommend Dropbox, you get 2GB of storage space for free and up to 8GB by referrals. Easy and accessible to use.
Answer #3
Put them on a USB stick/Flash Drive (4,8,16,32,64,128 etc. gig sizes)
Answer #4
It would depend as mentioned, on how large the images are.
I can fit 25,000 RAW camera images onto a 500 GB external drive, but they are quite large images.
If you tell us the total size it would be easier to recommend options.
If you definately don’t want to lose any data, then it’s best to make at least 2 backups, one to another drive, and one to Data DVD’s. (HDD’s are guaranteed to fail at some future point, and it’s best to use premium quality discs such as Taiyo Yuden)
Answer #5
the Meerkat replied: If you tell us the total size it would be easier to recommend options.
Agreed,But I’d say it’s pretty obvious that DVDs/Online backup are off the table.
the Meerkat replied: If you definately don't want to lose any data, then it's best to make at least 2 backups
I think you may have forgotten what backup is,Backup means keeping one or more additional copies,Not making a copy
then deleting the originals,That’s not backup at all. Just reading between the lines.
the Meerkat replied: HDD's are guaranteed to fail at some future point, and it's best to use premium quality discs such as Taiyo Yuden)
Discs can fail too,Set that aside,HDDs can last for several years and it’s all a matter luck as well as usage (an ext HDD that is dedicated
for backups for example,That is plugged in or powered up only during updating would last much longer),Also,The odds of both HDDs
to fail at the same time (original+backup) are slim to none.
Answer #6
thanks for the replies….the data will be about 36GB and counting as it is the recordings of eye operations so it will be heavy….
i saw above the Meerkat mentioned to use high quality disks but will it burn on the standard CD/DVD writer or have to buy a new one?
Answer #7
Guess I was wrong about DVDs being off the table then,Anyways,A single layer DVD disc is 4.38GB in actual capacity
and a dual layer is 7.92GB,So you could fit those 30 gigs in 7 SL discs or 4 DL ones,But DL discs are more expensive and tend
to have slower write speeds. No you don’t need a special burner to use high quality discs. I might be able to recommend
where to get em from if you’ll specify your country.
Answer #8
Ok thanks very much for explainations roberto400….i live in Mumbai, India
Answer #9
Seems quality discs are hard to find in your country,Anyways,Get these DL ones:
Answer #10
Anyways,A single layer DVD disc is 4.38GB in actual capacity..
A data disc is 4.36 GB to be precise
I think you may have forgotten what backup is,Backup means keeping one or more additional copies,Not making a copy
then deleting the originals,That's not backup at all. Just reading between the lines.

Who mentioned deleting originals ???
Discs can fail too,Set that aside,HDDs can last for several years and it's all a matter luck as well as usage (an ext HDD that is dedicated
for backups for example,That is plugged in or powered up only during updating would last much longer),Also,The odds of both HDDs
to fail at the same time (original+backup) are slim to none.

Yup – that’s why I said make more than one backup (copy for you). Storage of discs is important too.
*EDIT – you can get JVC branded Taiyo Yuden dvd’s on E-bay India, but they are shipped from London UK
There are Taiyo Yuden non-branded discs on there too, but smallest box is 50 I could see, that is actually located in India.
Answer #11
the Meerkat replied:
A data disc is 4.36 GB to be precise

If you want precision,A SL disc is 4700372992 bytes in size,Which equals to 4.3775634765625 gigs,See,We both were a bit off!
the Meerkat replied: Who mentioned deleting originals ???
As I already noted,I was reading between the lines,But I see now that my assumption was wrong.
Answer #12
Roberto400 replied: If you want precision,A SL disc is 4700372992 bytes in size,Which equals to 4.3775634765625 gigs,See,We both were a bit off!
lolz – I can’t believe you actually calculated that
Probably right, but I burn data dvd’s all the time, and never manage to get more than 4.36 GB on one.
Answer #13
Amazon 5 gb is good. Read this.. for more storage online..
Answer #14
get verbatim dvds
Answer #15
ok guys thanks very very much…im such relieved…u guys are ausome out here!!….thanks u can now close this topic


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