Which cpu fan to buy-

September 1st, 2013

from dabs.com? i get £10 off if i spend another £20 so i figured i might as well buy one. I cant purchase the coolermaster hyper 212 as it is not there? thanks
and do i need to buy theremal paste if im going to buy an aftermarket cpu cooler?

Answer #1
Maximum cooling or low noise levels?
Answer #2
jock_juffalo replied: Maximum cooling or low noise levels?
sort of a balance i guess. hoping to overlclock to around 4.5ghz
Answer #3
Put this on it’s low fan setting and it should be good.
Probably make too much noise on high setting.
There are plenty other coolers, trying to keep it over £20 but as close to £20 as possible then that one is a good choice.
Answer #4
jock_juffalo replied: Put this on it's low fan setting and it should be good.
Probably make too much noise on high setting.
There are plenty other coolers, trying to keep it over £20 but as close to £20 as possible then that one is a good choice.

ok thanks il get that and will i need to buy some artic thermal paste?
Answer #5
pspdoggy replied: jock_juffalo replied: Put this on it's low fan setting and it should be good.
Probably make too much noise on high setting.
There are plenty other coolers, trying to keep it over £20 but as close to £20 as possible then that one is a good choice.

ok thanks il get that and will i need to buy some artic thermal paste?

It should come with some basic thermal paste.
If you want better stuff then you ill need to buy it separate.
It’s not essential though and you will probably be happy as is.
Answer #6
jock_juffalo replied: pspdoggy replied: jock_juffalo replied: Put this on it's low fan setting and it should be good.
Probably make too much noise on high setting.
There are plenty other coolers, trying to keep it over £20 but as close to £20 as possible then that one is a good choice.

ok thanks il get that and will i need to buy some artic thermal paste?

It should come with some basic thermal paste.
If you want better stuff then you ill need to buy it separate.
It's not essential though and you will probably be happy as is.

ok thanks il just stick to the one it comes with then thanks jock juffalo
Answer #7
= Win.
It should come with some basic thermal paste. Corsair uses Shin-Etsu X23. Pretty good really.
Answer #8
-paroxysM^ replied: http://www.scan.co.uk/products/140mm-thermalright-ty-140-fan-ebr-bearing-fan-with-seven-high-efficient-low-noise-emission-fan-blad
= Win.
It should come with some basic thermal paste. Corsair uses Shin-Etsu X23. Pretty good really.

thanks but i have to buy it from dabs becase i would get £10 off
Answer #9
Then get the Cogage True Spirit. It’s better than the A50 both in performance and acoustics.
Answer #10
-paroxysM^ replied: Then get the Cogage True Spirit. It's better than the A50 both in performance and acoustics.
thanks but i cant seem to find it on dabs
Answer #11
-paroxysM^ replied: Then get the Cogage True Spirit. It's better than the A50 both in performance and acoustics.
He needs to shop at dabs.
EDIT: Beat too it.
The Corsair is a solid choice.
Corsair are getting there fingers into every pie these days it seems.
Answer #12
jock_juffalo replied: -paroxysM^ replied: Then get the Cogage True Spirit. It's better than the A50 both in performance and acoustics.
He needs to shop at dabs.
EDIT: Beat too it.
The Corsair is a solid choice.
Corsair are getting there fingers into every pie these days it seems.

thanks mr jock juffalo do you mind having a look at my other thread. Im just ordering my parts
Answer #13
No worries, seen the other thread earlier looked ok other than only having a single stick of ram.
That’s not that big a deal though.
Answer #14
jock_juffalo replied: No worries, seen the other thread earlier looked ok other than only having a single stick of ram.
That's not that big a deal though.



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