Can’t log in

August 5th, 2016

As of late I can’t log in to , unless I’m running the site through a proxy. Otherwise, I log in, and the log in screen just keeps on reappearing, as if I never logged in at all.
My question to you is, is this because of my ISP blocking the site, or a software-related issue (ie, firefox 3b2 doesn’t support in some way or another)?
Thanks in advance!

Answer #1
check that you have cookies enabled
Answer #2
Check your cookie settings. Clear your cookies and private data first. Also, check that you have set the browser to keep the cookies until they expire. Everything can be found in the browser options, under Tools–>Options. Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #3
Mucho thanks dudes! Cleared them cookies, and now everything’s back to normal
Answer #4
You’re welcome mate


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