logitech k750 solar keyboard question

August 4th, 2016

Hi so I just bought a k750 solar keyboard and my question is what is on the back? I pulled out the little arrow plastic paper but I can’t open the tab what is under there and if its important how do I take of that tab?
Answer #1
Found this image online if it’s of any use to you:
If not, post a picture of what you’re talking about so that we can get a better idea
Answer #2
Hi so I just bought a k750 solar keyboard and my question is what is on the back? I pulled out the little arrow plastic paper but I can't open the tab what is under there and if its important how do I take of that tab?
It’s more than likely the battery ?
Answer #3
Found this image online if it's of any use to you:
If not, post a picture of what you're talking about so that we can get a better idea
Yup the small tab near the middle rubber stand, anyways I returned the keyboard and got another one because it did not have a tab or num lock light to tell me if its on or not.


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