screen cleaner question about my retina display ipad 4

August 1st, 2016

So if I clean my screen to much will the screen go bad? I don’t want to put on screen protector shield because it is hard to put on I don’t want to pay for the extra for someone to put it on for me $15+ the $29.99 for the screen protector shield, when my screen cleaner product cleans it. I just got my retina display ipad 4 yesterday.
The screen cleaning product is called ScreenDR. Professional I bought it at best buy for $21.99 so it should be good enough right or will it ruin my screen if I clean my screen to much? I know how to clean I am asking if it can ruin the screen quality.

Answer #1
So if I clean my screen to much will the screen go bad?
It’s not paper screen…
I don't want to put on screen protector shield because it is hard to put on I don't want to pay for the extra for someone to put it on for me $15+ the $29.99 for the screen protector shield, when my screen cleaner product cleans it.
If you don’t know how to apply screen protector on iPhone then you really don’t need that kind of phone at all. Applying screen protector is child’s play.. The screen cleaning product is called ScreenDR. Professional I bought it at best buy for $21.99 so it should be good enough right or will it ruin my screen if I clean my screen to much? I know how to clean I am asking if it can ruin the screen quality.

I’m using Alcohol 70% to clean iPhone…
Answer #2
So if I clean my screen to much will the screen go bad?
It's not paper screen...
I don't want to put on screen protector shield because it is hard to put on I don't want to pay for the extra for someone to put it on for me $15+ the $29.99 for the screen protector shield, when my screen cleaner product cleans it.
If you don't know how to apply screen protector on iPhone then you really don't need that kind of phone at all. Applying screen protector is child's play.. The screen cleaning product is called ScreenDR. Professional I bought it at best buy for $21.99 so it should be good enough right or will it ruin my screen if I clean my screen to much? I know how to clean I am asking if it can ruin the screen quality.

I'm using Alcohol 70% to clean iPhone...
I am not talking bout a phone this is an Ipad its much bigger so you can’t get the screen protector on perfectly so I just use a cleaning solution. You know zagg screen protector? I tried that but kept messing up and the spray will it went on my screen and I just cleaned of. I know its not paper but some times screen gets messed up if you use spray with it so I am just asking to know.
Answer #3
I am not talking bout a phone this is an Ipad its much bigger so you can't get the screen protector on perfectly so I just use a cleaning solution. You know zagg screen protector? I tried that but kept messing up and the spray will it went on my screen and I just cleaned of. I know its not paper but some times screen gets messed up if you use spray with it so I am just asking to know.
Look, it doesn’t matter… iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad any other smartphone/tablet, same ~love~ different pack. Applying screen protector requires time and patience. You have spray for easier applying of protector… dunno whats so hard about it.
Anyway, Alcohol 70% will do the job…
Answer #4
I wouldn’t bother getting a screen protector they make the screen look crappy so just stick cleaning it with some Alcohol 70% like wo_Ot said
Answer #5
Yeah clean it twice like said.
Answer #6
Yeah clean it twice like said.
That’s the way the cookie crumbles…how iPad should be cleaned..
Answer #7
Moved from Off-Topic to Helpdesk.


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