Browser problems..

July 25th, 2016

Hi guys
I was hoping somebody could help me. What it is…
My browser has slowed down and takes longer to load. I seem to get random adverts popping up and advertising links buried within certain web pages or sites that I may be viewing. This never used to happen and it seems that there may be something running in the background that may be causing this? Random words or phrases have suddenly turned into links to advertisements etc?
Another thing as well. When I use facebook I get this annoying warning a lot.. ‘Internet Explorer blocked this website from displaying content with security certificate errors’ Does anybody know how to stop this happening?
I’m using Windows 7 and Google toolbar Version 7.5.4. Any help would be much appreciated.

Answer #1
1. do a full hdrive scan with malware or antivirus software …
if nothing found ,then …
2. delete all your cookies { note … this will mean you may have to sign in the first time you next visit any sites which require a password … such as , so make sure you know your passwords … }
the above will probably fix most of your problems … if still slow loading then try a defrag …
hope this helps…
Answer #2
“Internet Explorer..”
Well, there’s one huge problem there – for all the crap that MS spout about “security”, IE is still the most unsecured browser I’ve seen.. The basic MS method of updates is a major virus ingress point, and it’s a standard subset of IE.
You probably got a “drive-by” trojan, in the background, from a webpage you visited..
Answer #3
Cheers for the advice guys.
I ran Spyhunter and it found several problems. Seems to be running much better now. Just hope it stays that way. I haven’t been on facebook, so not sure if that other problem has been fixed yet. My browser has speeded up though so that’s good.


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