Is there a software that takes multiple screenshots?

August 5th, 2016

of a file?
Basically, I have a 10 hour video file where I need to find a specific scene but I can’t find it and I do not want to watch the whole thing.
Is there a software where I could set it to take a screenshot for every minute for example? So I could see the screenshots and find the scene?

Answer #1
There are a number of apps that can generate video thumbnails, But no ,I don’t know any that can do what you want.
But wouldn’t it be easier to just fast forward? Pretty much any media player allows you to do this (There’s usually a slider bar that you can move with your mouse pointer!)
Just sit on it for a while til you find the particular scene. There’s really no need to watch it from start to finish.
Answer #2
You could use Image Grabber if need be..


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