How do I give credits for a photo that I didn’t shoot? *Eng*

August 5th, 2016

More of a grammar question.
So, let’s say I have this photo of a super model and John shot it.
Considering this “area”, what is most usual sentence to give his credits?
Made by John
Photo by John
Work by John (even though it is only one photo)
I am leaning for the second one. But I am not sure if it’s the most common.

Answer #1
Every original photo is copyright to that photographer.
You could say something like ……
Copyright John Bloggs, thank you John.
Then give a link to his site or whatever.
But if you put the photo permanently on a website John Bloggs might take legal action against you, so it’s best to find out if the photo has been put into the public domain first.
This link will give you an idea of photo copyright as it applies to the famous monkey selfie ….


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