Algebra/Calculus Help

August 4th, 2016

So for an assignment I have combined two functions to reach this point:
(f º g) (x) = ln (sqrt(x+1))
but I need to express my answer in Set Notation. Can anyone help with this please? Unsure how to go about handling the natural log. I know that sqrt(x+1) probably indicates the interval bounds will be something like [0, +infinity) but that’s all I can figure out.
Thanks in advance for any help!!!

Answer #1
Domain or range?
Answer #2
Domain please!
also, the original functions were:
f(x) = ln (x) and g(x) = sqrt( x + 1 )
Just in case I’ve combined them incorrectly….
Answer #3
Answer #4
Here are some sub-problems:
What is the domain of ln(x) and why?
What is the domain of sqrt(x) and why?
How can you find the domain of sqrt(x+1) if you know the domain of sqrt(x)?
If you can solve the sub-problems, you can derive the answer from them.


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