RSA 4096 Ransomware

January 28th, 2020

Greetings to all the intelligent people here. My pc has been exploited by the Ransom Ware RSA 4096. All my files pics and documents been encrypted and it has an extension .crypt eg. PA A1 dckey 020815 PP.pdf.crypt or scan0001.tif.crypt
in most of the folders it contain this file: !Recovery_1DC5AF644185
it kept coming back although i ran ExterminateIT and RogueKill. Done the mannual getting rid of suspicious files guided by youtube. BUT I CANT DECRYPT my files. I need my files back as soon coz they are my presentation files and etc for my work. Pleaase assist me .
I not much of an expert in computer thingy. This web side has help me alot but this time I meet a dead end. No previous topic on this Thank you
Link checked on Mon May 30, 2016 12:43 pm []

Answer #1
I’m really sorry this happened to you and I can’t offer any assistance other than googling a support forum but I’d really like to know how you got this? There are various ways and I’d like to be familiar with as many as possible so I never have to go through it myself.
But not good news for the encrypted files
The RSA ~ Spam ~ Spam ~)
Answer #2
Hey !! thank you for acknowledging my problem. I have no idea how I got it really. I was just doing the routine like I have done for many years. I dont open spammed mails..very careful at browsing,. Got AVG internet security( now I dont trust it), Hijacker installed.
I was doing my work while connected to internet ( not browsing or anything). Waaaalaah! a voice message popped about making money bla..bla…No where to turn it off like I was forced to listen to it. but after the message theres a popped up asking me visit pages. NO NO NO definately..i just close it ‘leave this page’ as it said,.
It did me twice that I remember , like i got a ghost in my computer. Did the same ..did not entertain the rubbish. I guess it got angry with me..It change my background and messages overlapping my desktop screen ..saying all my files are encrypted. Right there I know I been hijacked.
On youtube the page shows exactly like the beginning of the video. (I
really dunno how to put images here) but this is the video link:
i did what i need to like it told there. My files still encrypted even tho I remove the .crypt extension.
I really hope theres a solution to this.
I know you guys can do something about it. You all always been my saviour.
Thank you
Please remember to double check that all your links have been coded. #3.10 links must be coded - including, but not limited to, e-mail addresses, passwords and internal links.

Answer #3
There is no solution at the moment and likely in the future, You have to either pay or give up the files.
Going forward it would be best to:
Stop using an Administrator account for daily use
Install an endpoint security suite and configure it for maximum security
Implement Applocker or Software Restriction Policy’s
-The easy way is just to programs from running outside the Program Files & Windows Directory’s (downside is that automatic updates for non Microsoft applications wont work)
-The hard way is not to create any path rules and instead whitelist all the software that you use based on their digital certs or file hashes (Dosnt have the above limitation)
That’s windows security 101
Answer #4
Googling “how to uncrypt files from ransomware”
Has a few things.
Good luck!
Answer #5
Answer #6
Not had this issue, but I imagine that a NEW install of Windows should remove the issue, since it will clear the message and virus normally.
However, if you have your private files on the C drive, then these will be deleted as well as everything else. If you had partions, lke D, E etc, then when doing a new install, these should remain intact and hopefuly the virus has not a life on these files after the new install.
Good luck and keep us posted on what happens…I would like to know how to solve this as well.
Answer #7
Thank you guys fo your moral supports and advices. Just for your info, it get into the partitions as well. Infact it attacked the partition and encrypted the files there first as I was trying to use a file, then major attack on the C drive. And I am only using user acc unless requested to be administrator on certain task. I somehow got feeing that I needto redo this compy end of the day , get it formatted etc. like you said ..sadly. Until then I am still trying. What I googled theres one , he managed resolve it using Spyhunter and Minitool Power data Recovery.
I got Spyhunter installed but its unregistered version it did the scanned but wont do the complete thing its version…tho i downloaded a different version from this site it just update itself. I hope you guys can read between the lines.
Got MiniTool downloaded too. Will install in a few. I wont be at peace untill I give it a shot. duh! I want to cry and laugh at the same time..grrr
Answer #8
its version i downloaded a different version from this site it just update itself. I hope you guys can read between the lines.

Uninstall it, turn off the internet (unplug your computer Ethernet cable or turn off modem if using wireless) Reinstall program from here and go through settings and disable updates of any kind. If that doesn’t work you have to tell your AV program not to allow that program internet access.
Answer #9
Good luck fixing it bro, also had the same happen to me but I was lucky because I had a backup. I think mine was caused by an open port.
Good luck
Answer #10
dont bother with any av software for removal , you cant get your files back once they are encrypted unless either there is a vulnerability in the cryptoware or it is a really weak one. for those type of cryptoware some av companies have decrypters. kaspersky and bitdefender have those. look if they have a solution for your specific one. even then do not be so hopeful ; those decrypters also have some requirements in order to work such as a sample of a file before it is encrypted. do not try any 3rd party random solutions for ransomware. they are likely to cause more problems.
most efficient method to minimize the damage of ransomware is having a backup on usb stick or an external drive for your important files. keep in mind those devices must be disconnected from your pc when back up is complete otherwise they may get encrypted as well.
the most efficient method to prevent ransomware is what has told. however it may be confusing for you. some of advanced av software such as kaspersky can do this for you automatically. ransomware need a certain level access to operate. primitive av software such as avg you have been using detects ransomware by definitions and behavioral analysis but kaspersky blocks these type of access for all executable except 2 types 1- files with valid digital signature
2- files who have been tested by kaspersky and had a greenlight on their database.
those are the attributes a ransomware can never have so even if it breaches av and heuristics engine , they will be blocked by application rights and access. you should use that type of av software which uses cloud and signature verification for applications’ reliability. it has been discussed before in more detail on this topic if you wanna read.
in addition you have been asked how did you get it ? you should look what you did before not at the moment of you got warning. ransomware hides itself in system until it completes its encryption job. it may take from 1 hour to days depending on ransomware , its encryption method and the size of files it is encrypting so you probably got this long before than the actual result.
Answer #11
Greetings all. Thank you for all the opinion and advice. I really appreciate it. I came to a dead end so I formatted my computer..clean slate. Now am struggling to reinstall the programs I need to work with. I am not a computer expert really…but hey I have you guys right?
Thank you again.
Answer #12
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Remember to always do a disk image backup and save your program installation files with cracks every month to an external hard drive and keep it disconnected from your PC.
Answer #13
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Remember to always do a disk image backup and save your program installation files with cracks every month to an external hard drive and keep it disconnected from your PC.
I agree.
Answer #14
First try to figure out what ransomware you got. Some has flaws and people found a way to decrypt. When you find the name google that to see if there is one.
EDIT: Just saw you did a format already so good luck and try to avoid getting infected again. For an antivirus i suggest Emsisoft Antimalware. It’s pretty good against ransomware.
Answer #15
RSA-4096 means that without the password it would take millions years of processing power of all combined computers in this world to decrypt your single file… so..either pay the ransom or forget about it. Your computer go latest version of Cryptoware Crypto locker… even FBI suggest the victims to pay the hackers money rather than trying to spend time fixing the un-fixable poblem..dead end
Answer #16
he’s way past that.
Answer #17
Just in case someone is interested, Kaspersky has a tool they claim it works, it’s at the kaspersky labs blog.


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