Xbox 360 – Modded or non modded

January 24th, 2020

I want to download games for an xbox 360 but I also want to play online.
Which one should I go with? Modded or non modded?

Answer #1
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Answer #2
When you have a modded Xbox and go online with Xbox Live, there’s a big chance you get banned. So if you really want to play online, best not to mod it.
Answer #3
if you want to play online dont mod it
Answer #4
When you have a modded Xbox and go online with Xbox Live, there's a big chance you get banned. So if you really want to play online, best not to mod it.
Wrong, most images are stealth-patched, I’ve played downloaded titles days before they were released without getting banned, the same goes for my 5 friends that have gotten their 360s flashed.
Answer #5
im huge over on xbox360iso and i say mod it, if u have the latest ixtreme stealth firmware and u have ixtreme patched games then u will be fine. ur 98% safe on live, i havnt heard of any bans recently
i would wait till after the nov 19th update tho as with updates, comes a ban hammer. C4eva will make a new firmware if needed and we will be back on live
Answer #6
Don’t mod. My 360 is my online concole, so I am leaving it un modded. On the other hand my Wii is softmodded all the way.
Like the other people that say, they have thiers modded and still play online, a 360 cost $300 and after they ninja patch the xbox to catch modded console you are $300 down the drain need to buy a new one.
Answer #7
If i had a choice, i’d mod mine.
Answer #8


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