VPNs & Bridged Connections & VM

March 17th, 2014

 13:29:35  &bb05            • so.. is it possible to bridge a cisco vpn connection with a hamachi network?
 13:29:50  &bb05            • inside a virtual machine? that's nat'd to your physical lan
 13:31:23  &bb05            • if yes, i can setup a hamachi network to auto-activate windows 7
 13:31:49  &bb05            • the other question would be, what would be the kms settings and .. how can i test it out ? :P
 13:32:30  &bb05            • pretty sure the kms settings would be the same as if i was just set on the vpn

was too lazy to retype it .. lol

Answer #1
Yes but unless you set up a makeshift router of some sort (can be also a VM) it’ll be hard to route it you’ll need to rely on static routes and the limited NAT capability that Windows provides.


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