Virgin Media – Speed Cap…

July 25th, 2016

Is there any way around this new speed cap that Virgin Media has now?
I thought it might not affect me…. I dont think I download ‘that much’. Ive probably downloaded around 4GB (5GB max) today, and im getting a quarter of my download speed. Its kinda annoying to know that my speed with get severely restricted if I download more than 5GB a day.
Any ISP hiding/masking or whatever software/site to do something about this?

Answer #1
what speed cap
I’m with virgin media 60 meg
never have any problems downloading ever
here is a wee tip
How do I avoid traffic management?
Save heavy downloads and uploads for overnight, set them running just before bed. Just leave your computer to do it overnight, from 11pm onwards. The best bit is waking up the next morning to find it all done.
This is important if you use peer-to-peer (P2P) networks a lot. P2P is software such as BitTorrent which allows you to download files that are stored on the hard drives of other users.
Answer #2
I think its this…..
I havent read it properly but I vaguely remember it sayin something like your speed willl get slower if you download over a certain amount. Now that its happened (i think), im guessing its got something to do with that ‘New Traffic Management Policy’. If the same thing happens tomorrow then its definitely that.
Answer #3
i just download the big things at night.
Answer #4
No there isn’t any way around it.
Either increase your service, or move provider.
Answer #5
Best way to get around it for me is this. VM say that traffic management happens at: 16:00-23:00 (Mon – Fri) | 11:00-23:00 (Sat-Sun)
So I download as much as possible before and after the stated hours and during those hours I keep the downloads to a minimum.
They also say that if you download 2Gb during traffic management, your speed will be capped for 60mins after that back to normal. So just watch what you download during traffic managment
Answer #6
^ are you definitely sure about that?
You just need to watch what you download between those hours? 3pm – 11pm and 11am – 11pm?
I’d appreciate it if you could quote the part here where is says something like that…
Answer #7 here – as stated before i never had any problems downloading
Answer #8
Thanks guys, really helped!
Im gonna start downloadin a before the traffic management starts!
Answer #9
I had 120mb with them which cost me about �42 a month and my tv services on top which i was paying them about �110 a month.
In peak times they dropped my speed down to 18 – 20mb which was really annoying, When i phoned and asked why they said fair usage police blah blah then the prices went up by �6.80 a month.
Had problems with there broadband for about 12 months fobbing me off with excuses on Estimated fixes but never happened
I gave up with them Now i have Sky
I get
18mb broadband – Not bothered about the speed as its good enough for what i use it for as i do not download much anymore
58 HD Channels
Sky 3D
All Channels you Can Get
Sky Go
Sky Movies App on Tablet
Phone Line
All for �63.90 a month so ive cut my bills by 55% over virgin and best thing i did was swapping over


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