UK Virgin Media & Fileserve

September 21st, 2013

While I wait for a response from Fileserve regarding the issue… Thought I would make a quick thread.
Does anyone use Virgin Media and having issues with downloading from Fileserve starting from this afternoon (about 6 hours ago) ?
I am being redirected to this page:
And it says,
Attempting to download failed.
The IWF has recently implemented changes that may affect your download ability on the site.
Please contact your local ISP or upgrade your account to a Premium account now

I have a premium account, so that’s not the issue.. just wondering if it is my ISP (Virgin Media) blocking fileserve??
—EDIT 1—-
Hmmm seems like I’m not the only one experiencing these problems.
—-EDIT 2—-
I can get round the problem by using Fileserve’s Download Manager (located in their TOOLS section).
—-EDIT 3—-
I can report that Fileserve is now working again fine for me using IDM as default download manager… ISP = VIRGIN MEDIA

Answer #1
just noticed i am having the same problem, i have no problem uploading to fileserve but cannot download either with my premium account or freeuser account. im not sure if my uploads can be downloaded by non virgin users
Answer #2
Not sure how long this problem is gonna go on for… but I can get round the problem by using Fileserve’s Download Manager (located in their TOOLS section).
Answer #3
Ashleyuk1984 replied: Not sure how long this problem is gonna go on for... but I can get round the problem by using Fileserve's Download Manager (located in their TOOLS section).
lol just saw the same message on the thread you posted and im just installing it myself
edit….working fine using fileserve manager
Answer #4
yes mate it happend to me aswell this evening …u not alone!!!
Answer #5
Also on Virgin here.
Getting a lot of login problems.
Password/username not being accepted.
That probably explains the html pages instead of file links.
So, is this just a VM problem?
Answer #6
Problems with both sky and virgin net connections today here.
Answer #7
It probably won’t last, most sites which are blocked are often removed from the blacklist within a day or two due to complaints.
This happened with Motherless about half a year ago.
Not that I visit Motherless or anything.
Answer #8
I’m having the same problem with Fileserve and Virgin Media. I’m using Firefox, Flashget and Flashgot, all of which are refusing to download from Fileserve.
Also when I try a direct approach (not using a download manager) I get the same message as posted by others above.
Going to try Fileserves download manager instead.
Answer #9
Everything works fine here. I am on virgin media
I use Jdownloader download manager and hav a premium fileserve
Answer #10
I don’t know if IWF filters by IP or domain name. If it filters on a domain name level you might be able to bypass it by using a different DNS.
Answer #11
I had this problem about 6 months ago with my ISP and the IWF filter, everyone on my ISP’s forum kicked up such a fuss that they changed the way they implement the IWF filter.
What happens is, someone reports kiddie pron to the IWF at a filehost, and the ISP blocks everything to that site.
A workaround that worked for me at the time was adding this to my HOSTS file ~Disallowed~ www.~Disallowed~
location for HOSTS file
You need to complain to the ISP and tell them they are blocking legitimate files (obviously don’t tell them it’s warez, tell em photo’s from family) otherwise you will end up with loads of filehosts being blocked.
I can’t remember if using a VPN worked for me, but at the time changing DNS didn’t.
Answer #12
Doesn’t work for me either through the site or FS’s download manager. I’ve complained on Virgin’s forums.
Answer #13
Make sure in Fileserves download manager you are signed into your premium account
I setup my account in the options, and then signed into my account on the main interface of the program.
Worked fine for me once I done that.
Also, according to “WAZZ12” above (hi mate) JDownloader is working fine – ( I haven’t tested that myself though )
Answer #14
The problem is, that if you don’t complain direct to Virgin, then you will only end up trying to find workarounds for every single filehost that they block in future. They need to realise they are blocking legit files and change the way they implement the IWF filter, otherwise you will have a nightmare.
Answer #15
Same for me, not working with IDM but is working with JDownloader.
Answer #16
Now seems to be working with FS download manager, didn’t seem to let me log in before.
Answer #17
If you want to send Virgin a link that they can see,
I will go and have a search on my ISP’s forum to see what their “Official” response was to the complaints, but in effect it was to change the way they implement the filter.
changed to using a DPI based method of filtering rather than a proxy based system
Great news everyone,
An update on the IWF filter.
We have been working on a solution for the issues which it has been causing for our members and I'm happy to say that the IWF implementation in our network has undergone a bit of an upgrade, which we hope to resolve all the mentioned issues with it.
This has now gone live, although I don't have the full details yet.
If I get more details about it, I will update you!
Kind Regards,

(1) Only certain IP addresses, which relate to the URL's IWF gives us, are inspected. Requests for any content on that IP will be via a proxy.
(2) See answer above.
(3) BE does not do deep packet inspection on its customer base. The IWF system examines HTTP headers.
(4) Currently there is no option for users to control what content is filtered.
(5) There is no captive portal, any traffic to a blocked URL will send a TCP Reset to that connection rather than a 404.
(6) There is no packet rewriting.
I hope that this will help
Forum Manager

source (which you won’t be able to see, but Virgin might accept it as Gospel.)
Answer #18
I can see that there is an issue as I cannot d/l anything as a free user with FS. What I find strange though is if Virgin are filtering as FS is on IWF’s hitlist why is the site appearing. Surely if a filter was in place to block a site then you would not be able to access the site full stop. Or is Fileserve now being proxied through IWF’s servers which is causing the IP and capcha errors I am getting?
Answer #19
Whatever it is, we should all call our Isp’s and tell them the issue.
Answer #20
It’s happening with BT too.
any ISP that agrees to this dictatorial IWF censor list will block Fileserve now.
We need to make a stand, enmass cancel our internet accounts. When they lose a million customers, THEN they’ll do something about the IWF.
Until then they won’t give a rat’s arse.
Joy of Joys, I can confirm that FS Manager works!!
IDM is blocked, browser download is blocked, but FSMan works!
Answer #21
you can see which sites are being censored by going here to check
Results for www.~Disallowed~
Site last updated in database: 2011-11-17 05:33:52
Last Change Detected Status
2011-11-16 04:57:12 WARNING
2011-05-21 03:03:20 OK
2011-02-14 18:22:35 WARNING
Answer #22
It’s working with fileserve download manager for now.
Answer #23
I am managing to download direct from fileserve with my browser. So my ISP (Bethere) apparently has solved this issue with IWF (should be OK with O2 as well, they own Bethere now to get the infrastructure).
If you have a workaround that’s good – but you need to complain, the problems will only get worse as more filehosts get blocked.
Answer #24
change the title to include SKY broadband too
    Attempting to download failed.
    The IWF has recently implemented changes that may affect your download ability on the site.
    Please contact your local ISP or upgrade your account to a Premium account now

i have premium account but when i tried to download a tv show i get this message.
i use idm to download and keep getting the html file,
but for some reason it works with jdownloader, so if you having downloading problems install that.
Answer #25
jdownloader is java based, isn’t it?
I don’t fancy having to install 100’s of megabytes of java to run a download manager.. fileserve dm works fine for now..
Answer #26
Useful site!
People really need to do something about these arsestains!
The average person on the street is brainwashed by the anti-pedobear message and the poor deprived movie industry with is back pocket million payouts to these self-styled organisations that seem to have the power and the right to bypass justice and go straight to the execution..
Trouble is, we don’t have the balls, really – no one is going to give up their ‘net connection over it.
We moan and complain to each other, but the one thing that would work, millions cancelling their broadband, will never be done.
nonoroy replied: you can see which sites are being censored by going here to check
Results for www.~Disallowed~
Site last updated in database: 2011-11-17 05:33:52
Last Change Detected Status
2011-11-16 04:57:12 WARNING
2011-05-21 03:03:20 OK
2011-02-14 18:22:35 WARNING

Excuse the double post – i didn’t want the two different comments mixed up.
Answer #27
Im using a mobile 3G connection and getting a similar error, but not the same error mine says
    Your download could not be completed.
    Please try again later.

and i get redirected to http://www.~Disallowed~/landing-error.php?error_code=612
anyone any clues?
Answer #28
Fluffbutt replied:
Trouble is, we don't have the balls, really - no one is going to give up their 'net connection over it.

You don’t need to give it up, just tell your ISP you are going to migrate to my ISP as they are breaching your contract, ask em for a MAC code
OK, my ISP may not be as fast as Virgin 50 meg, but it’s unthrottled and unlimited
I’m sure if enough people asked for MAC codes, they would soon change the way they implement the IWF filter
Answer #29
BT added to the list tried some of the workarounds with noluck
Answer #30
SpotlandRules replied: I can see that there is an issue as I cannot d/l anything as a free user with FS. What I find strange though is if Virgin are filtering as FS is on IWF's hitlist why is the site appearing. Surely if a filter was in place to block a site then you would not be able to access the site full stop. Or is Fileserve now being proxied through IWF's servers which is causing the IP and capcha errors I am getting?
They do not simply block Fileserve (they don’t want risk the backlash) instead they just filter out the known “offending” URLs by running it through a proxy.
Answer #31
Then i’m lucky – no problem for me – maybe it is because i’m from Croatia – but who will know – i have downloaded at least 25 GB from yesterday using fileserve acc – so i hope this will be solved for you sooner as possible. Cheers and good luck.
Answer #32
Im on sky not Virgin, but i still have this problem, damn censoring ~censored~. << oh the irony
Answer #33
DraZenFILJE replied: Then i'm lucky - no problem for me - maybe it is because i'm from Croatia - but who will know - i have downloaded at least 25 GB from yesterday using fileserve acc - so i hope this will be solved for you sooner as possible. Cheers and good luck.
yeah, it’s only in the UK
I went through all this crap 6 months ago, but it was with almost every filehost, luckily there were workarounds, and now my ISP has changed their systems so it shouldn’t happen again – touch wood.
Answer #34
naroon replied: BT added to the list tried some of the workarounds with noluck
have you tried the FS downloadmanager? it’s working here for me when browser and IDM fail.
gilly replied: now my ISP has changed their systems so it shouldn't happen again - touch wood.
Unfortunately the toadying suck-ups at BT won’t do anything to help.
Their useless forum even censors the words “hell” and “crap”, FFS!!
And all they do is deny any involvement.
This rubbish is the same as in Australia, where they are going to bring in the internet filter to “stop child porn” – all it does it block http links, really just to censor complaints and to help the back-hander paying movie interest groups.
Pedobears will use P2P, which bypass the filter anyway!
Answer #35
Fluffbutt wrotehave you tried the FS downloadmanager? it's working here for me when browser and IDM fail.
Yeh tried this then had login issues.THEN the phone rings and its a rep from BT calling about my complaint ,he said he was not aware of a problem then asked me to wait while he spoke to his supervisor,2 mins later he came back and said he was aware of it and the Big wIgs were in a meeting and looking into to it as we spoke following lots of emails from affected customers.
So guys get them emails fired off they can not ignore it if we allcomplain.
Answer #36
The whole thing smacks of draconian fascist manoeuvring. Why?
Because I have not yet met a file host that refused to delete a file when told it’s illegal – they may even cancel the offenders account.
So all this un-democratic and due-process bypassing behaviour is pointless – it can be handled without these (in my opinion CRIMINAL) watchdog bodies.
Answer #37
My system has started working again. I’m on Virgin using Firefox, Flashget and Flashgot. Downloading as I type this.
Answer #38
Fileserve is also giving me problems, however, rapidshare seems fine.
Answer #39
Can I make a request..
We need to collect ISP’s that block and ones that don’t.
When we post, can we please add the ISP used?
Me = BT British TeleBomb, blocked.
8pm Friday 18th – WORKING in IDM
Working only on SOME links…
Answer #40
Fluffbutt replied: Can I make a request..
We need to collect ISP's that block and ones that don't.

Bethere isn’t blocked, and as O2 (adsl not mobile) use their network, presumably that is fine too
Answer #41
Just reading about this over on Bolt.
Apparently Virgin Media contacted IWF and they removed an offending link off thier blacklist.

highroyds @
Just to let you guys know, VM contacted IWF to find out what was happening and IWF confirmed to VM that fileserve was NOT on their watchlist, but that a specific URL on Fileserve was. IWF have now removed the url off their watch list and that users should now have no problem with fileserve. VM have now updated the watchlist at 6pm GMT.
I have checked fileserve as I tried to login yesterday and it wouldnt let me login, but today 6:50pm GMT I can login no problem. Plus links that I couldnt grab with IDM are now working.
However, this doesn’t have appeared to change anything for other providers.
Sky doesn’t work, and I can’t seem to get it to work through O2 either
EDIT: BB fail xD
Answer #42
“EDIT: BB fail xD”
What’s BB?
It’s 9pm Friday now. I’m with BT ans SOME FS links are working in IDM.
It’s funny, the ones that don’t flicker between the FS link code and the filename, and then to the landing.html file that shows the IWF crap.
It does that two or three times then ends up with the IWF error landing.html.
I think FS and IDM are trying to bypass the blocks, maybe.. I’ve contacted both, FS is NOT happy that their entire hosting is/was blocked, IDM guy is trying to find a workaround.
Answer #43
As the “OP” of this thread, I would like to say that Fileserve is now working fine for me with IDM. … ISP = Virgin Media.
(I will update main post to)
Answer #44
Yeh, it’s working fine with IDM for me too now.
Answer #45
can you try that file?
You don’t need to download it, just see if it starts or gives the landing.html error page.
This is one of those ‘flickering’ urls that end with the landing.html for me.
Answer #46
Fluffbutt replied: "EDIT: BB fail xD"
What's BB?

Bulletin Board (i.e. Warez-bulletin board )
But, what I actually meant was BBCode fail…. Because I screwed up the [][/]
Still ghey on Sky, but working find with FSMan, which is alot like IDM, and actually quite nice
Answer #47
Fluffbutt replied: http://www.~Disallowed~/file/5CGS5nJ/CaveQuest.rar
can you try that file?
You don't need to download it, just see if it starts or gives the landing.html error page.
This is one of those 'flickering' urls that end with the landing.html for me.

Works for me.
Answer #48
Fluffbutt replied: http://www.~Disallowed~/file/5CGS5nJ/CaveQuest.rar
can you try that file?
You don't need to download it, just see if it starts or gives the landing.html error page.
This is one of those 'flickering' urls that end with the landing.html for me.

Working for me on VM.
Answer #49
jackman replied: Fluffbutt replied: http://www.~Disallowed~/file/5CGS5nJ/CaveQuest.rar
can you try that file?
You don't need to download it, just see if it starts or gives the landing.html error page.
This is one of those 'flickering' urls that end with the landing.html for me.

Working for me on VM.

Still not working here via BT..
Answer #50
I have tried filserve manager and only limited links work for me with bt.Iam getting a message that maintenance is underway checkback in 1 hour.Since some download managers work and others dont iam going to try Reg Get Deluxe and i willpost back with results.
Answer #51
I can’t download off Fileserve as well, i’m a BT user and it just says ‘server maintenence’ with every file i try to download, i have a premium account untill Feb.
Answer #52
Reget Deluxe is getting the same file under maitenance message.Ive emailed filserve and asked about updatinf there news feed to give us all some info.
Answer #53
I cleared my cache and the maintenence message has now changed to the “The IWF has recently implemented changes that may affect your download ability on the site.
Please contact your local ISP or upgrade your account to a Premium account now” message.
Ironicy i just tried a Fileserve file so i could get the correct message and it downloaded that file! –
It seems only some of the files are blocked, so freaking annoying!.
Answer #54
Found this post on the VM forums
Im on BT and Im getting the same errors as well
Once again IWF has put Fileserve into watch list until further investigation from their side is done. It is not expected to be lifted within the next few days.
IWF(Internet Watch Foundation) for UK is being very thorough in filtering Fileserve users. All UK users are bound in 1 IP and users are only will have these kind of errors and issues if any chance they have input their login credentials 5 consecutive tries. Please be reminded that it is not our will to have our UK users suffer from this, our Tech team are now looking into possible solution in getting around this IWF issue.
Until we figure out a possible solution, it is wise to do the cache cleaning every now and then and trying a different browser. If you happen to have a download manager, register your Fileserve premium account so that you won’t need to enter your details for every download you do.
Your patience and understanding regarding this issue will be highly appreciated.
have a read here
Answer #55
Seattle area with Frontier FIOS. As of a few hours ago I can no longer download from fileserve on my premium. It still shows my premium is active but I’m getting some landing error 612 thing. I can log in like normal and as soon as I go to a file this page pops up. Putting in my user and pass on this page does nothing.
http://i.~ Disallowed host.  Please use another image host. ~/39bpZ.png
Answer #56
Seems like bt have finally sorted there act out using fileserve now.All peeps report on how they are doing
Answer #57
For me, still faffing about with some blocked and some not.
IWF emailed me back and was full of lies “we’re not currentyl monitoring or blocking filserve”, yet the censor checker says they are, and I still have problems with downloads being proxies out.
Liar MF\kers!!
Answer #58
Fluffbutt replied: For me, still faffing about with some blocked and some not.
IWF emailed me back and was full of lies "we're not currentyl monitoring or blocking filserve", yet the censor checker says they are, and I still have problems with downloads being proxies out.
Liar MF\kers!!

lol – you should “proxy” away some money for the inconvenience from BT when it’s time to pay your bill, and see if you can get a few extra days added to Fileserve premium a/c’s as Ricky at FS was well aware of the problem, (although he’s a div anyway from what I have seen of his posts on the net)
Answer #59
Yeah i managed to download a link that had been blocked for the past few days, i also downloaded a few other Fileserve links with no problem so hopefully thats sorted now in regards to BT.


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