Video Wall configuration/compatibility problems

August 5th, 2016

Hey yall,
it’s this time of the year ppl. We have absolutely no work at our little company but ofc everyone despite constant bitching about lack of free time when we had work, now refuse to stay home coz they still want to earn money. So instead of hanging about, cleaning and doing so called inventory of all tools I took out old video wall box which we never managed to fire up properly, 9 TV’s and thought I’d give it another shot. Not to my suprise I’m having trrouble and would very much like to ask for yall help.
So gear I have is in description, the box itself, 9 samsung TVs, pc with rather adequate for the job GTX Titan X gfcard and one older pc with Radeon x4890 or so gfcard I could spare to leave at company so the guys could watch current euro football matches. Manual for the box I attach in link below for your covenience:

I would like to make it run 3×3 mode with obviously widest resolution 4080 x 2304 resolution (each tv running at 1360 x 768) or even 3072 x 2304 (each tv running at 1024 x 768) would be nice but so far I had no success. I only managed to get a semi-proper wall with all TV’s despite configuration running at 640 x 480 resolution, pic below:
Or a splitter effect (all TV’s running at 1024 x 768 resolution separately showing same image instead of joining into wall, pic below:
I do not know what I’m doing wrong or if I’m doing it right then where lies the problem. I’ve tried setting pc and box config for all the resolutions from manual tab with no success. Most of the time it’s either on of 2 situation I gave you pics of or all screens remain dark or show only small stripe of my desktop. Any ideas? I’m really up for pretty much anything right now.

Answer #1
Do both gfx cards produce the same results?
Have you tried using a different cable for the box input? Possible faulty cable is not allowing proper communication to the PC.
Have you tried running the software in compatibility mode? It appears to be designed for WinXP and earlier.
Answer #2
Regarding cable yeah I tried switching with 2 different ones but it produced same results. Box software which existence I forgot untill you reminded me sadly doesn’t seem to be working even in xp compatibility mode. I manually set everything box’s remote.
I did not try on pc with older ATI gfcard, there was no option for custom resolutions in its app (catalyst control center) so I kinda gave up. However after reading your response I googled that actually I can try to set up custom resolution on ati gfcard through registry somehow. I will also try to get my hands on yet another machine (my sister’s old laptop with win xp and old but not obsolete I think gfcard) which will hopefully run the software. So thank ya kindly for feedback and new ideas , I will resume my struggle first thing in the morning and will let you know how it went.
Answer #3
Tried to work with other pc, setting custom resolutions through regsitry as I’ve seen on tutorials but doesn’t work for me. Resolutions do not show in the setting menu afterwards. Other things pretty much same as with my main pc, just setting the box options with hope of pc cathing up automaticly failed, still either dark/broken screens or split effect with only all TVs on 640 x 480 option working.
Sister laptop sadly turned out to have been upgraded to win 7 so no luck with running the software either


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