TuneUp Shredder: Delete file but …

August 5th, 2016

hi everyone :
anybody got a problem with TuneUp Shredder? if i delete a file with it it deletes it but it doesn’t restore the amount of size to my hard disk for example if my hard disk got 96GB left and if i delete a file with 2.6GB with TuneUp Shredder i still have only 96GB not 98.6GB
any help for this issue appreciated .

Answer #1
Use Eraser
Answer #2
Use Eraser

now all what i want is my bytes back lol i lose about 8GB
Answer #3
Maybe try this it will fill empty space with dummy data so there is gr8 chance u get ur empty space back
But b4 that check the drive for error (Bad Sector)
Visit above link for how to
HD Tune Pro is also good software to check harddrive
Answer #4
This is a help request, not a “Serious Discussion”, as per this forum’s rules. Please post more carefully in future! Glad you got what you needed though.
Answer #5
sorry i didn’t see the help section and tnx for the help and i think the space is back for it self after one day or so


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