Take ownwership help please to reverse this

January 28th, 2020

Help please
I have accidentally taken ownership of my ‘C: ‘drive registry is now corrupt cannot boot and restore and repair do not work. since I cannot boot from ‘C’ does anyone know how I can change the registry in C to a good backup on another drive? or remove the takeover

Answer #1
please provide details regarding your system and OS.
Answer #2
Hi,,thanks for the response
Windows 7 Home 64 bit
I cannot boot in any way from my normal drive C;;all good reg data etc is sitting on other drives but I dont know a way to remove the current registry and import a JN GOOD ONE.
I am trying to use Hirens 15.2 and I am trying to use the mini-xp but it is limited and does not seem able to allow me to open security of file so that I can change them or to import a good reg backup
I have a repair disk and have tried repair many time to no avail the system cam preloaded
Answer #3
I was thinking that with a repair or installation disk, you might be able to get to System Restore and restore to a point before the corruption.
I have read about the problem and I don’t think there is a lot you can do about it, unfortunately…Am a bit worried about having “Take Ownership”in the context menu myself !
You might be best to use the mini XP to save off data and stuff that you want, and then do a format and clean install of Win7, because I don’t think that you would be able to recover or replace a registry..
Answer #4
Thanks for the help
I stupidly took ownership of drive c: using the takewonership from the cmd line facility with the calcs help I was attempting to install office 2013 which showed an error of 1603 as well as others..permissions based.
Wish I had not..so now I have found an image file of a year ago and am trying to recover using this image file as it its over 300GB
took 7 hours but worked image loaded fine..now working but back a little while in date time


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