[SOLVED] Looking for a greek name?

August 7th, 2016

Hello, I’m hoping someone can help me. I’m looking as the title says for a greek name. I’ve looked a little on google but can’t find anything. They are known as TIM. So could someone give me this name in greek. I have seen the name but not sure i would recognize it if seen again. If it’s helpful i know it starts with ETH. Not sure how many letters but it wasn’t a short name and it did have tim in it. I’m hoping it’s not a real common name like john smith lol. Any help would be very much appreciated.
Answer #1
I’m sorry, I’m a little lost. Is that the name of a person? Starting with “Eth” and containg “tim” in it, is that what you are saying?
Answer #2
Yes a name of a person. They get called by Tim. You know like if it was timothy for instance you’d call them tim for short. And yes i know it starts with ETH.
Answer #3
OK I get it. His name is Efthymios (th like theatre – as you can see, it starts with efth not eth) and means “he who is in a good mood”.
Answer #4
I’m not sure but you may be right with the EFTH. But i thought it still had tim in it somewhere. Could there be anything else it could be. But just your help may be all i need as i’m searching for this name and now i have more of a clue i may find it after all. I’ll let you know if i find what i’m after.
The name you’ve given me may well be right as it was many months ago that i seen it. Also thinking now i think it may of had ETH in the middle of it. But again can’t be sure. Please don’t think i’m doubting you. But it’s very important for me to figure out this name and i appreciate all your help.
Answer #5
I’m native Greek; There is no such name as you describe. That IS his name but you’ve probably heard people that have trouble pronouncing it correctly (sth common to English/Latin speaking countries) and doing E-ph-th-e-mi-os sth like E-f-tim-e-ous or E-th-tim-e-ous or even You-thim-e-ous. Tim is a common nick for this name and also for Timothy that you mentioned which is also Greek (Timotheos = he who honours God or he who has the grace of God; the best english spelling would probably be Temotheus like Prometheus is spelled).
Answer #6
I’ve never actually heard their real name, only tim. I wrote it down but can’t find it. So if we leave the name tim out of it altogether are there any names starting ETH? Or are there too many of them. I’ve looked and looked at name you have given me and i can’t be sure but i don’t think that’s it. Tim could well of been their middle name for all i know and that’s why i’ve asked for name just starting with ETH.
EDIT: I am going to turn my house upside down and try and find this piece of paper with it written on. My last resort failing all this is to look on voting rolls as i’m hoping i have their last name right.
Answer #7
see if any of the following names reminds you anything: EFSTATHIOS, EFSTRATIOS, EFTYHIOS, ATHANASIOS
Answer #8
I haven’t started looking yet but will now. Thank you for your time in helping. Unfortunately none of those names help. And i’m reasonably sure name did start ETH. But even if i have this all wrong i know it definately starts with E. But this could be like finding a needle in a haystack of haystacks. Let me have a look around a little bit and i’ll let you know if i find this piece of paper.
Answer #9
OK let me put it this way:
And i'm reasonably sure name did start ETH.
There are ZERO Greek names starting with ETH as in “theatre” and only ONE starting with ETH as in “leather” and that is Ethuarthos which is actually Edward.
But even if i have this all wrong i know it definately starts with E. But this could be like finding a needle in a haystack of haystacks.
Actually it isn’t. Names starting from E are quite uncommon so there aren’t many available overall. From those existing even fewer are being used since most of them are obsolete nowadays. So you must have made a mistake or don’t remember sth properly because I’ve already listed for you ALMOST ALL the Greek names that are being used nowadays!
Answer #10
Well unfortunately this piece of paper can’t be found. I’m not sure what else i can do as it’s not a name that would come to me, since it’s from another country to me. But i’m sure name started with E. The only other thing may be that even though they were greek, they may of had a name from another country. If it’s any help this person is nearly 50, so it could well be a name no longer used. But thank you kindly for all your help and if i find this name i’ll let you know what it was.
Answer #11
Unfortunately I found out their name after all today as they died
Name turned out to be Efthimios (R.I.P)
Thank you Jack_Torrance for your help with all this back then.
But I am glad I finally found it.


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