[SOLVED] Downloading certain files from a huge torrent

January 22nd, 2020

Sup W-BB
I need the last episodes of a show and the only place where I can get them is a huge 4GB torrent that contains the whole show. Some mates told me I can select the files I want to download from a torrent to avoid downloading the whole thing. How do I do it W-BB?
Btw since I don’t use torrents much (they work slow for me) I use Limewire for them, can I do what I asked above with Limewire or should I get another torrent client? Which one would you recommend W-BB? I just know BitTorrent and uTorrent… You tell me which one would help me please.
Thanks beforehand!!!

Answer #1
i use u torrent
u can do it with that, when you open the torrent file wit utorrent u can specify which parts you want to download … or if you already loaded the torrent file, navigate to the Files” tab at the bottom, and rightclick on any file you don’t want and mark it “don’t download”
Answer #2
you can download �torrent here:
then you follow the explanation of Guggi Baerli
Answer #3
thanks mates… I’ll try once it’s installed


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