Security check virus help

August 25th, 2013

hey all
can anyone help me with removing this virus from my comp it has totally taken over my comp ….no icons on desktop and in start menu keeps scanning comp and then tells to buy full version !!!!! it was downloaded as a adobe upgrade or something ….please help anyone ………….it has hidden all files and folders
Sorry the program is System Check …not security check…

Answer #1
Run Malwarebytes in Safe-mode.
Answer #2
Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2011 v11.0.0.1245
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free v1.60.1.1000
Answer #3
Use the above tools aforementioned, if they do not work, use combofix.
Answer #4
Hitman Pro did a good job at getting rid of rogue viruses on a couple of my friends computers. Afterwards, run Malwarebytes for additional cleanup.
Hitman Pro
Answer #5
hanx for all your help people ..will try


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