PunkBuster global punkbuster guid ban !

January 26th, 2020

long time since I played bf2 online , so I installed it to play a little when entering online & after map loading I return to the main page with this message :
googled it to find all sorts of possibilities with no certain reason !!
1- hardware error 2- software error
3- SN banned
does anybody know for sure what’s the meaning of this message ?

Answer #1
Means you are banned. Simple as that.
Answer #2
no coming back Banned ?
is there anyway to know why I banned ?
Answer #3
Yes becouse of “Namehack”
Found on http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/index.php
Answer #4
& that’s how I lost the key
so every key have to be used by one name only ?
I mean , if a searched for a used key , it will be banned cause I’ll use another name for it ?
thanks for helping
Answer #5
I remember that I just deleted PB files from game directory and it worked again, or just disabled it using control panel


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