[Resolved] Global Warming

January 27th, 2020

Hi just a quick question, if you could please give me some reasons on that would be great…..thanks
How has science contributed to global warming?

Answer #1
you can answer this (stupid) question in one of two ways:
1. science is the exploration of how the world works. by understanding how the world works, we are able to manipulate it. because of science, we have learned to produce things like CFCs which deplete the ozone layer and lead to global warming. we have learned how to build internal combustion engines to propel our bodies about the planet – these engines pollute the atmosphere, which also lead to global warming. and so on – you can fill in the blanks by doing some research on your own.
2. it is our understanding of science that leads us to believe global warming exists. if we had no scientific understanding of our planet, we would know nothing about global warming, and it would effectively not exist. of course, you get into a philosophical argument here about ontology that is very hard to escape from, but judging by the very general nature of this question you’re not very far along in school, so you can safely ignore that. but don’t blame me if your teacher doesn’t accept this second answer
Answer #2
Okay thanks for this, but why has it caused global warming and how has it helped global warming develop?
Answer #3
if you can’t find the answers to your questions in my previous post, then i’m afraid i can be of no further help to you.
Answer #4
people research on the earth and stuff which requires the use of recourses. This in turn can contribute to global warming such as transport, research of new goods use of current material to make new etc
Answer #5
Okay very good, i am very thankful for both of your statements. Thanks a lot!
Answer #6
Answer #7
we in the southern hemispere have just had our third consecitive coldest winter. last year an iceberg floated within heliicoptor range of chrischurch. Riddle me this. If the average recorded water temperature in the southern ocean is dropping how can it be getting warmer??? Then try to riddle this. Trees and every other green plant in photosynthesis cycle breaths in carbon dioxide (CO2) and breaths out O2 for you and i to breath. We in turn breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide. The ozone layer is a blanket of O2 the envelops the earth. If trees grow better in a carbon dioxide – oxygen depleted enviroment, why is so bad that we have machinery that makes such gasses??? The enviroment actually does better the more of it we make. The better the trees do the more oxygen that is there for us to breath. (Also note the world population is going up, so we need more to share, qed we need more “Greenhouse Gasses” to make the oxygen) as the stuff we breath is the same as what the ozone layer is made of, and any electrical motor in motion by side effect encourages monoxide (o) to bond with other monoxide (o) to `make’ 02. Monoxide is the `thing` that does the damage in the ozone (also known as freon – Free oxygen). do a bit of research at the libruary and plot out over temps since records began. You will find that the media have reported that we have had periods of global warming, and periods of global cooling since the 1400’s. And that these reports DONT conincide with the actual temperates.
Answer #8
ozone is O3, not O2.
Answer #9
Some researches are not bad at all pal, check out the link…
Answer #10
Thanks for the extra ideas and links


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