PS3 Wireless

January 25th, 2020

i have been using the wireless on my ps3 fine for a long time now… been working perfectly.
turned it on yesterday wouldnt connect. tried to scan for networks said no access point detected.. i restore to defaults in settings. then when i turn it back on it scans and it finds a whole lot of networks…..i connect to mine then try sign into PSN and it gives me a whole load of different codes. so when i try to scan my network again thats when i get the access point not detected. Again i restore to defaults and start this godd damn process again and i get the ass problem! I tried with the ethernet cable and all is fine. but i had to move the router though, which is a far too impracticle. so that is not an option. firewalls are off etc everything is working perfect pc xbox tablet etc all work fine so my router is ok i know this. it is only several meters away in a cupboard but it has to stay in there…. has anyone any ideas?

Answer #1
You seem to know what your doing, having tested the wireless connections works fine on your xbox and PC, and it works fine with Ethernet cable…
Have you tried to backup the data, and format the PS3 drive? If the problem persists, i suspect it could be a PS3 issue. Your best option is to call the PS3 support line, link:
Answer #2
The wireless card in the PS3 might be done.
Answer #3
Havent formatted yet will attempt a backup. maybe its the wireless network card ot antenna. but to be fair i would rather buy a new ps3 than phone thoses help lines lol
Answer #4
Is there a way to connect to tge net on ps3 through your pc using ethernet?
Answer #5


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