program to scan hard drives & catalog the content

January 27th, 2020

Do you know about a program to scan hard drives & catalog the content?
i have several HDD’s with films
& i want a program that could scan them & build a database that i could search for…
plus – could this program warn about double films/files with close names – if i by mistake downloaded the same film twice & its on several hdd’s?

Answer #1
For indexing “everything” and for duplicate files “dupeguru”.
Answer #2
& what if i don’t have all the hdd’s connected to the pc at the same time? could it save lists & compare them, while the hdd’s are not online?
Answer #3
Everything has the option to store lists, but not compare them. You could use commmand line at Windows (or even better, get linux which is the best for administrative tasks), if you want a GUI solution maybe you will find something inside the sysinternals suite but I’m bored to check the applications one by one . A guaranteed solution would also be xyplorer, it absolutely has everything you need including saving searches and comparing them. Other file managers may work too but I’m not familiar so I can’t suggest them. For plain home usage I have nexusfile for this, it can compare folders immediately but only on “live” disks.
Answer #4
try “wereisit” i use it long time
Answer #5
For movies I use Movie Label 2012 7.1.1492 the release by LnDL. It scans the hard drive for movies then catalogs them using info from IMDb and it has a search function. When you add movies to it afterwards it warns you of duplicates.
Answer #6
Check also programs like TreeSize. They are excellent to track disk usage.


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