PQI H560 Portable Hard Drive

August 8th, 2016

I have a problem using my PQI-H560 hard drive! I opened it on my friend’s computer, it made a shortcut to open and opened through shortcut (and not through it’s common tab). After I came home it made shortcut in my computer too, and opened once. The next time it was impossible to have access to it. error message: “there was a problem starting. ~$WFPWVGGZ.FAT is not a valid Win32 application.”
Please help! My whole life is stored in it!

Answer #1
Sounds like it was infected by a virus.
Did you get this message when you tried to access it directly or from that *desktop shortcut*?
If directly, The virus probably uses an autorun file for spreading.
Follow these steps:
1. Open up command prompt, If your on XP, Press Winkey+R, Type CMD and hit enter (Winkey = Key with the windows logo on it, Near Alt) If Vista/Win7, Click on the start menu, Type cmd into the search box and then right click it and select “run as administrator”
2. Type x: (replace with the drive letter of your external hdd) and hit enter.
3. Type the following commands and hit enter after each:

attrib -s -h -r autorun.inf
del autorun.inf

The last command will close the command prompt window. You should now be able to access it just fine! And do delete that desktop shortcut that it created. But there’s more to it and it’s not that simple. It’s quite possible your PC was infected, So better run scans with a good, updated antivirus (I recommend AntiVir) give malwarebytes a try too. If you are running XP, I highly recommend you install the following update:
It’d disable autorun for removable storage devices.


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