Portable Hard Drive.

August 6th, 2016

i have 2 questions
What is the difference between portable and external hard drive?
What portable or external hard drive should i get.
What i want.
320gb or more
willing to spend up to $150 dollar
want it to last really long.

Answer #1
portable & external are the same
You should get a Western Digital Passport, they are small and are powered via USB (so no need for a seperate power supply)
Answer #2
I think you can get more with $320, maybe like 1TB.
Answer #3
What is the difference between portable and external hard drive?
thats the 2.5″ harddisks
3.5″ in not that portable
Answer #4
1 TB WD passports are decent.
There are many though,just don’t get the less expensive large (housing) externals,way too bulky.
Answer #5
it it has a power supply isn’t it better, cause it can be faster and stuff like that
Answer #6
it it has a power supply isn't it better, cause it can be faster and stuff like that
power supply is not needed for a 2.5″ disk and thats why its better imo
Answer #7
i was thinking about getting
Answer #8
WD Passport Essential 320gb or 500bg Within ur budget probably some left to spare
And they r the best out there
source presonal exp
Answer #9
WD Passport Essential 320gb or 500bg Within ur budget probably some left to spare
And they r the best out there
source presonal exp

i guess i might buy that then
Answer #10
juss make ur own buy a 1.5tb hdd and a external case thats what i do only 150$
110$ for 1.5tb and around 30 $ for a case or 15 to 30
Answer #11
Portable Is Portable, External Is Not Really Portable Since Its Quite Larger
Id Say To Go For Western Digitals 1TB Which Is On Sale For $100 In Bestbuy, Prolly $149 Directly From WD Online
Answer #12
I think you can get more with $320, maybe like 1TB.
A 1.5 TB only costs $130.00 plus tax.
Answer #13
seriously, if it’s to carry arround there’s nothing better then the Western Digital passports
Answer #14
i herd that 1tb suk cause they burn out quicky
Answer #15
Western Digitals Are The Best Then Seagate Barracudas I Got 9 Western Digitals
Answer #16
Western Digitals it is than.
thanks guys for your help
Answer #17
i herd that 1tb suk cause they burn out quicky
lol, that’s nonsense. I have 3 1.5TB external hard drives and they’ve been running fine for over a year.
Answer #18
i herd that 1tb suk cause they burn out quicky
lol, that's nonsense. I have 3 1.5TB external hard drives and they've been running fine for over a year.

i need ones that run for mabye 10- 30 years
Answer #19
Why did no one report this thread as being a wrong forum report?
~ moving to the Helpdesk section guys
Answer #20
Which is Better ? Western Digital Portable or Seagate Postable ? I say Seagate and how many agree to me ?
Answer #21
i herd that 1tb suk cause they burn out quicky
it’s depend on the brand of the HD that u bought…WD still the leader i think…
Answer #22
western digital passport >> all others
Answer #23
i herd that 1tb suk cause they burn out quicky
lol, that's nonsense. I have 3 1.5TB external hard drives and they've been running fine for over a year.

i need ones that run for mabye 10- 30 years

what? 10-30 years?? Dude i have a feeling it won’t last that long


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