PCSX2 (PS2 Emulator) on PC or PS2 Classics on Sony PS3?

February 3rd, 2020

Which do you recommend? Graphics sucks in PS2 Classics on Sony PS3.
I will play this Sony PS2 Games on Sony PS3, which is not working in PCSX2 Emulator.

Answer #1
you should know that the pc emulator is not always stable and i some cases introduces weird audio problems and weird scaling problems in cut scenes. You should search the configuration for the games on forums if you want to play on pc. Also you have to have a pretty descent pc to emulate ps2.
Answer #2
…… Depends on What settings/configuration you put in PCSX2 each games if im not mistaken has their own settings/configuration …. but im pretty sure you can play PCSX2 perfectly with your specs..
I got mine make 15fps but not so playable but can move but slowly…. GTA III “I play with some settings” …With low end pc “2009”


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