Microsoft Excel COUNTIF Formula

January 31st, 2020

I need to copy the below formula to about 1000 cells
The first portion (ie B2:B1500 ) must remain constant and the second portion (ie A2000) must vary from 2000 to 3000. I tried to drag the formula to 1000 cells , but the first portion is also changing.
Is there any way to solve this problem.

Answer #1
go to an empty box
type +b2:b1500 (or w\e it is.. you should know)
right click that box
define name and call it ‘bedtime’
then go to the formula and use
=COUNTIF(bedtime,A2005) and you have it fixed..
if i managed to stay awake the whole post..
Answer #2
Answer #3
i hope you won’t have to name cells every time you want to fix the value
It’s easier to use the dollar sign, so in this case:
Answer #4


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