Macbook Air vs Pro – Connect to a huge screen?

November 9th, 2013

basically, i need a mac for business purposes. I was planning on a hackintosh build but somehow it does not appeal to me!
I was also considering the iMac, but the fact that i need to travel puts the iMac out of question.
What i’ve decided is
Get a MacBook pro or air.
Connect it to a big screen around 21″
Get a keyboard + magic mouse
My Basic needs:
Absolute Zero gaming, i prefer to game on a console, planning a PS3
Play HD movies/videos without any lag
Resolution of over 1920X1080 when connected to a bigger monitor.
I’m really not sure if the Intel 3000 series would actually help playing HD on a huge monitor. Do i have to go for those which have the AMD cards?
I’m not worried about the storage because i wont have too much of music on the air, probably around 20-30GB at the max.
With the budget in mind, i guess the 11″ air or the 13″ pro would be fine. What do you suggest? Especially with the HD factor?
also, if the basic air can play 1080p HD movies without any niggles, i will be more than happy to get it!
Thanks a lot guys!

Answer #1
HD 3000 is absolutely fine for HD playback.
Answer #2
would it be better to get the 4GB RAM Macbook air or the 2GB one?
Also, the price difference between the 4GB air and the basic 13″ pro isnt too much…
Answer #3
Memory is cheap. Get an 8 gig if possible.


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