Looking for a new LGA775 motherboard that supports DDR3

January 27th, 2020

Hi, guys. I’m currently trying to look for a new motherboard for my PC because my current one (ASUS P5KPL-AM SE) can only use up to 4GB of RAM.
I currently use NVIDIA GTX 650, with Q9550.
Can anyone recommend me a good compatible motherboard that can use more than 4GB RAM? Also, can anyone recommend me a good pair of DDR3 RAM? My current budget is around $163 Cheers.
BTW, I saw someone recommended this on the internet http://www.ncix.com/detail/asus-p5g41t-m-lx-plus-matx-20-68437.htm

Answer #1
The one you listed says unavailable. Personally, I would look on Ebay for one with a G45 or P45 chipset. Or maybe a G43 or P43. The P’s will need a graphics card. http://www.ncix.com/detail/asus-p5g41t-m-lx-plus-matx-20-68437.htmhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157359http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128536The Asrock is one of those hybrids that has DDR2 and DDR3 slots. Good luck. Oh yeah, the 43 and 45 chipset boards have PCIe 16×2.0 while the 41’s use PCIe 16×1.1 so your GPU data rate will double. (Don’t you hate it when people tell you it’s time to upgrade instead of giving you the info you asked for.)http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231426&cm_mmc=CNETFindMEMUS-_-20-231-426-_-na-_-naRAM
Answer #2
The one you listed says unavailable. Personally, I would look on Ebay for one with a G45 or P45 chipset. Or maybe a G43 or P43. The P's will need a graphics card. http://www.ncix.com/detail/asus-p5g41t-m-lx-plus-matx-20-68437.htmhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157359http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128536The Asrock is one of those hybrids that has DDR2 and DDR3 slots. Good luck. Oh yeah, the 43 and 45 chipset boards have PCIe 16x2.0 while the 41's use PCIe 16x1.1 so your GPU data rate will double. (Don't you hate it when people tell you it's time to upgrade instead of giving you the info you asked for.)http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231426&cm_mmc=CNETFindMEMUS-_-20-231-426-_-na-_-naRAM
Thanks for the info man.
BTW, what do you mean the P’s will need a graphic card? And uh… I don’t really understand the PCIe thing… Is it a good thing that the GPU data rate doubles?
Answer #3
It mean the cpu does not have an integrated gpu when it started with an P. Therefore you will need an gpu card
As for PCIe… Both are identical since they are PCIe 16X. But one is Version 2.0 and the other is Version 1.1
You can guess which one is better
Answer #4
It mean the cpu does not have an integrated gpu when it started with an P. Therefore you will need an gpu card
As for PCIe... Both are identical since they are PCIe 16X. But one is Version 2.0 and the other is Version 1.1
You can guess which one is better

Ah, so it won’t work without a graphic card? But, I have a GTX 650, so it won’t be a problem right? …or do I really haven’t understood how computer works…?
Answer #5
It will work without an graphic card. But you wont be able to connect an monitor to view what you are doing since there are no graphic card
The 650 will work.
Answer #6
You have a card so everything is good. The G models had onboard graphics but kinda dated. Your GTX 650 is 16×3.0 but it will run in older boards, just not as fast. 3.0 is twice as fast as 2.0 and 2.0 is twice as fast as 1.1. Wiki has some really good info about all the different motherboard “connections”. It lists speeds and revisions for PCIe, sata, usb, and etc. It might help clarify my clear as mud explanation.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_device_bit_ratesIt will work without an graphic cardThe G’s will the P’s won’t.
Answer #7
Is getting 4 more GB of ram really going to solve your problems?
Many things run OK with 4GB anyhow.
Wouldn’t it be best to save a bit more and get a new CPU as well ?
You could then step up 4, or maybe even 5, generations in the one go
Answer #8
Ok, so I ended up getting a Gigabyte’s G41M Combo, but now I can’t get it to boot with my 8GB DDR3 RAM
It works with my 2x2GB DDR2 RAM though
Answer #9
It seems it’ll only work with a 2x4GB kit. See if you have the latest bios version and try updating to it if not though.
Answer #10
I still have 3 socket 775 systems running all 3 boards can take upto 8GB of ram 1 takes ddr2 & ddr3.
The Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R which is running the same processor as you’ve got in takes both ddr2/ddr3 I’m on it now actually and it’s running 4x2GB PC8500.
The other 2 are the Gigabyte X38-DQ6 & Asus P5Q-Pro.
You could search for these boards but like others have said you probably wouldn’t see much difference in adding extra RAM, so personally I would save up and just upgrade.
No sorry it does bloody pdf file didn’t open fully…though it’s got to be ddr3 1333 memory nothing higher.
Check what version it is m8 so you download the correct BIOS version by the looks of it there are 3 different revisions of that board.
Answer #11
Welp. I traded the 1 x 8GB DDR3 with 2 x 4GB DDR3, and it didin’t work either.
I can only suspect that it may be because the brand of RAM I bought is either incompatible with the motherboard, or it’s just a s***ty brand of RAM. Or maybe it’s because of the Q9550?
I don’t know.
Thanks for the responses, people. I’d appreciate more suggestions, though
Answer #12
What happens if you try one stick by itself?
Answer #13
It will never work with 1 x 8GB read the pdf file it only supports upto 2x4GB pc1066 ram.
I’ve just took some pictures of my BIOS with my 8GB of ram and Q9550 on a Gigabyte board so your BIOS will look similar m8.
What you need to do though is when your in your BIOS press ctrl & f1 key this will open up more of the motherboard tweaker in the BIOS.
This is what you want yours looking like (sorry about the size just took it with my phone)
Top half
Bottom half
Try these settings and see if it boots up, if not go back into the BIOS (don’t forget to press ctrl & f1 key) then scroll down to the DDR2/DDR3 OverVoltage Control and put it up 1 notch just that nothing else.
Answer #14
tl:dr – NO 775 mobo will support DDR3, it’s way too old.
Answer #15
tl:dr - NO 775 mobo will support DDR3, it's way too old.
@ Sorry your wrong m8 there’s quite a few socket 775 boards that support ddr3 ram
The motherboard I am on now is socket 775 which is stated in the post above you and you can clearly see it supports DDR3 ram.
Answer #16
It will never work with 1 x 8GB read the pdf file it only supports upto 2x4GB pc1066 ram.
I've just took some pictures of my BIOS with my 8GB of ram and Q9550 on a Gigabyte board so your BIOS will look similar m8.
What you need to do though is when your in your BIOS press ctrl & f1 key this will open up more of the motherboard tweaker in the BIOS.
This is what you want yours looking like (sorry about the size just took it with my phone)
Top half
Bottom half
Try these settings and see if it boots up, if not go back into the BIOS (don't forget to press ctrl & f1 key) then scroll down to the DDR2/DDR3 OverVoltage Control and put it up 1 notch just that nothing else.

So, I gotta enter the BIOS with my DDR2 (cause it’s the only way it’ll boot up), Use those settings, Save & exit, Shut it down when it’s about to reboot,
Replace the 2x2GB DDR2 with my 2x4GB DDR3 PC-1066, Then turn it on again?
Is that right?
Answer #17
Boot up with the ddr2 in Use those settings for now – shut down the PC take the ddr2 ram out and put the ddr3 into the ddr3 slots Then see if it boots up
If it doesn’t take them back out but up with the ddr2 ram in again and you might have to change the CPU clock ratio to x7 then put the ddr3 back in and try again.
It’s all about getting the fsb to match the ddr3 ram
Answer #18
tl:dr - NO 775 mobo will support DDR3, it's way too old.
My Asus Sabertooth Z77 is an LGA775 motherboard and uses DDR3 just fine.
Answer #19
tl:dr - NO 775 mobo will support DDR3, it's way too old.
My Asus Sabertooth Z77 is an LGA775 motherboard and uses DDR3 just fine.

It’s safe but it’s not socket 775 it’s socket LGA1155
Answer #20
tl:dr - NO 775 mobo will support DDR3, it's way too old.
My Asus Sabertooth Z77 is an LGA775 motherboard and uses DDR3 just fine.

It's safe but it's not socket 775 it's socket LGA1155

oh yeah, you’re right. I’m a little embarrassed.
Answer #21
Boot up with the ddr2 in Use those settings for now - shut down the PC take the ddr2 ram out and put the ddr3 into the ddr3 slots Then see if it boots up
If it doesn't take them back out but up with the ddr2 ram in again and you might have to change the CPU clock ratio to x7 then put the ddr3 back in and try again.
It's all about getting the fsb to match the ddr3 ram

Well I tried to change the settings, but its “Advanced Timing Control” looks different, and it didn’t have “System Voltage Control.”
I’ll try changing the CPU clock ratio to x7 now
Answer #22
Did you remember to hold ctrl & f1 key at the same time when you were in the BIOS.
Ps…If your not hearing any error beeps you should still boot into your BIOS with the ddr3 ram in so next time your in your BIOS write down what voltage your ram is on and put it in here.
Also if you can take some photo’s of your BIOS and upload them.
Answer #23
Did you remember to hold ctrl & f1 key at the same time when you were in the BIOS.
Ps...If your not hearing any error beeps you should still boot into your BIOS with the ddr3 ram in so next time your in your BIOS write down what voltage your ram is on and put it in here.
Also if you can take some photo's of your BIOS and upload them.

Oh, right the ctrl & f1 thing. I’ll try that next time Well, I don’t hear any beeps, but it wouldn’t boot either.
Anyway, I think the motherboard’s DDR3 slots only works with Kingston’s 2/4GB PC10600, which means I’m screwed since apparently no one makes that anymore.


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