Is there anything I can do against CAPPED bandwidth?

August 9th, 2016

Hello Guys,
Just asking if there is anything I can do on my end against CAPPED bandwidth.. recently our ISP has implemented a f*cking unFAIR USAGE POLICY.
Absolutely ridiculous… after 1.5gb of data download.. boom, limited to 20kbps for the rest of the month. I can eat that 1.5gb in a day or two.. It’s killing me here! Even going to a higher plan seems to be the same.

Answer #1
You only get 1.5GB of data before your capped for the rest of the month??? HAHAHA WTF.
I could smash that in 15 minutes lol
If a higher plan wont solve it then find a new ISP. If I were you, I’d be looking for a new ISP. 1.5GB WHAT A JOKE!!
Answer #2
unfortunately, it seems all ISPs are capped.. AFAIK. Am I just f*cked? Cuz I ain’t in a happy mood waiting for a 5 minute video to load over 30 minutes… and in 240p.
Answer #3
if your in the uk go for sky or bt no capping anymore.
some times your isp does this so you ring up to pay for your cap to be removed for another 1.5gb
Answer #4
im in the freaking :more fun in the philippines”. Guess there’s nothing i can do then.
Answer #5
we used to have 5gb cap. But luckily there was some exploit. .
Although things has changed in last few years.
Answer #6
Sucks for you mate 1.5 gb seriously -_- If you use adsl/isdn line, i might be able to help ya, pm me for details
Answer #7
There was an exploit before but it was fixed, something about changing the MAC address..
BTW, , your sig is quite cool.. looks 3d to me.
Answer #8
I’ve BW limits too but not as severe as the one you have.
Mines limited to 250 MB a day, but it carries over up to 500 MB. If I don’t use all of my BW for one day, it carries over to the next. I get 250 MB each day and whatever is left over when the daily BW resets gets added to my BW limit for the next day. So if I only use 200 MB in a day, that 50 will carry over giving me 300 to use the next. If I don’t use any of that BW, then it will carry over to the next day. The max daily BW I can use is 500, so when the BW resets I could only get a additional 200.
If i go over the daily usage limit, my speed is capped down to dialup speeds for the rest of the day.
But still, my ISP has free download periods. Basically, for those 5 hours, anything downloaded won’t count against my daily limit. For my timezone the limit is 1 to 6 AM.
Answer #9
Holy crap, on a good day I can download 1,5gb in one minute (real download speed then around 30mb/sec)
Answer #10
problem of capped bandwidth maybe solved by using a USB dongle?
Answer #11
problem of capped bandwidth maybe solved by using a USB dongle?
yup a 3G dongle, or 3G or 4G Mifi if available in the country – although they too will be limited.
In these days of smart tv’s and catch up/On demand services, 1.5 GB is absolutely nothing.
Answer #12
in some cases, changing to a different packet can be an exploit. for instance go to 5gb and then download your sh*t, within the hour or half an hour you have the right to “come back and change your mind” so you change it back to 1.5 They fixed that here but maybe you have luck?


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