internets is failed ..

January 25th, 2020

anyway right
it started off with Downloading isobuster from this link
and when installing i knew something wasnt right..cuz it had its own little installer not the normal kind..
but anyway
after i installed the program i ran malware bytes and 41 files were now infected
so i scanned and removed all the 2 which needed to be rebooted
so i rebooted and scanned again.. and this time picked up nothing
problem is NOW.. im unable to get online for some reason
i cant even connect to my router.. which makes me think something is blocking it
i also have x.exe in my process manager dissapear and reppear every few seconds
even going to msconfig to stop it from running doesnt sort it out
iv even reinstalled the drivers
you guys got any ideas?

Answer #1
Hello, It’s very possible that you have downloaded something which has caused this. If you’ve ran another scan using a specific program and it’s come up clean and you can’t use the internet to download another one, then I suggest you do a complete re-boot of your computer. Annoying, I know. But your options are limited.
Answer #2
when you say reboot.. you mean format?
the only 2 things iv downloaded are
isobuster the spam version and the legit version..and i think iv gotten rid of both
Answer #3
same solution as mentioned here:
Answer #4
that didnt work
it detected and removed.. i still cant get online
Answer #5
Try Hijack this log to analyse your computer,and post the log here.
Answer #6
Run both fixes and then reboot if you are using XP.


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