Internet Speed Problem

January 24th, 2020

I am using LAN Cable based Internet Connection so have many Connections running on single Router via internet switch, i think that’s why speed goes ups and down some time speed flow very fast and some time its slow down how can I made it normal there is any way to solve this issue please help me
Answer #1
get a better ISP or package.
Answer #2
That sounds normal..You can only have what speed that other side gives you..
If the place you are downloading from gives you a slow download..There is nothing you can do..
Answer #3
It could be due to the neighborhood hub. Most ISP use an hub to connect to multiple house of not more to save some money. You will get your full speed (hopefully) like you brought. But when others people around your neighborhood use their internet. Things start to slow down a bit. If they are downloading and maxing out their connection then it will also have an effect on you.
Mostly you will see this during the night time.
Answer #4
@ actually there is no speed limit have 10Mbps LAN Internet Connection from ISP and spread to many home users like me but problem is some time I received very fine speed and some time very slow like this time how can I get normal speed from my connection?
Answer #5
It could be due to the neighborhood hub. Most ISP use an hub to connect to multiple house of not more to save some money. You will get your full speed (hopefully) like you brought. But when others people around your neighborhood use their internet. Things start to slow down a bit. If they are downloading and maxing out their connection then it will also have an effect on you.
Mostly you will see this during the night time.

Yes exact the same issue, in late night near 2 AM speed comes back to normal and weird thing is when the Cable operator restart the modem speed comes back to normal I wonder what the hell of this mystery. Mostly I play Online Game so when speed sucks I feel lag in the game and its really irritating to me.
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Answer #6
The ISP hub in your neighbourhood has a limit for all of the customers using that hub. Say for example, it is 1000Mb/s (just picked a number for the example .. it is not real).
If 200 customers on that hub are downloading at the same time, the total demand on the ISP hub is 2000Mb/s – so demand > availability: in this case, your 10Mbps connection will get allocated just a portion of the bandwidth available. So the time of day is important when it comes to speed. The 10Mbps (1.25MB/s) is what the ISP maxs your connection at – they do not guarantee that all of this will be available at all times!
Answer #7
the problem is I can’t afford my own private internet connection that’s why I am looking for a solution of unexpected down speed problem, if possible.
Answer #8
Sorry to say, there is nothing you can do to affect how your ISP allocates the bandwidth to you.
For online gaming, it is not your bandwidth that is the issue – it is more likely the ping time.
Google ‘improve ping for online gaming’ and you’ll get more than enough ideas
Answer #9
That’s the first time I heard of private Internet connection. the thing is you can try different ISP since they are the one who lay down the lines.but that still does not guarantee you’re not going to get any low time.
you can also try buying a higher tier internet plan. it won’t solve the problem but it will surely help.
Answer #10
I took private internet connection as the sole leasee of a T1/T3 line. Somehow I don’t think the economics are there for better gaming
More bandwidth may not solve your gaming issues though: ping time <> download speed.
You should contact your ISP to discuss options, making sure to let them know you are gaming and that your response time is slow.
Answer #11
Sorry to say, there is nothing you can do to affect how your ISP allocates the bandwidth to you.
For online gaming, it is not your bandwidth that is the issue - it is more likely the ping time.
Google 'improve ping for online gaming' and you'll get more than enough ideas

yeah I find some ways to improve ping but not works for me thanks anyways
Answer #12
get a better ISP/Package or move closer to your exchange.
nothing we can do.


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