Installing WinXP by Flashdrive?

January 23rd, 2020

Hey guys,
I’ve recently bought my new PC and it has Vista Ulitmate (x64).
Howver i still have my Old Dell PC which got me into IT.
The CD Drive is broken on it and have no otherway of installing it Unless i have a RIS surver which i dont :\
The question really is,
Is it possible to Format/Install WinXP via Flashdrive/Memory Stick?
Thanks for all your help in advance.

Answer #1
It’s not possible at the moment…I can give links how to install from usb pen…But they don’t work….The only way is to burn to CD…or get a friend to burn it for you…
Answer #2
Ah that sucks, Because my CD/Dvd drive doesnt work,
But thank’s very much for the quick response, I can see why your a vip.
– Gaz.
Answer #3
Hey, have you tried this as posted to install windows on a mini note with no CD drive? you need to obtain the original windows files from a CD drive on another computer or from a virtual drive on your broken laptop and then follow the instructions on the web page. It worked a treat for me but your laptop needs to have to ability to boot from USB.
Hope this helps, let me know if you need any help.
Answer #4
Just buy a new optical drive…You can get one for less than $50.


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