I think my Network PCI Card is faulty
August 1st, 2016 I have updated the driver and problem still not solved. What shall i do?
Your being a bit vague,Is it a laptop or a desktop? By ‘hotspot” you mean on the go or your own
in your home?
Its a desktop and hotspot in my home router
Hows the signal strength? How many bars?
Is your router secured? And if so with what
type of encryption? WEP/WPA/WPA2
Most of the times when a network card is faulty it won’t connect @ all, I can also remember having problems when I first used my card.
I’d say try another wifi channel 1/2/6/ or 11, and try some network tweaks for your OS.
Abour 3-4 bars, strength is mostly fair or good, yes is secured with WPA.
You need to do 2 things from the router interface:
Change Channel.
2. Increase transmit power,Do it gradually,Just expirement with it
til you get the full 5 bars.