How to filter out a particular sender

February 2nd, 2020

HI I have an interest in ebooks. However of late certain users have been bulk uploading.
Items from this sender are no use as I do not use the references they do.
Is there a way to filter out a certain sender from the listings?

Answer #1
Sorting all listing excluding certain uploaders is not something that can be done with the search used by users. It can be implemented but it is impractical. Those query are memory hogs and we are talking about one of the largest site in the world.
Answer #2
There are 2 scripts that does that. They hide results by certain users or highlight by others.
I wrote some of them (Blacklist, Highlight, and Filter which combines Blacklist & Highlight)
There is also another one by thecodingdude.
[userscript] WBB User Filter
[userscript] WBB User Highlight
[userscript] WBB User Blacklist
[Userscript] Blacklisted | Version 1.0

Note: since is dead change the links to to get the scripts.
Note2: Above scripts only filter out the display.
Answer #3
Hi ,
Thanks for the information. I’ll download and give them a look later today.


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