August 5th, 2016

hello i need some software that will automatically send emails at a certain time or anytime continuosly using hotmail due to being scammed of $4000 for 10 ps3’s and not being sent anything i jsut want to keep hassling them so i get something the site is callled they are fraudsters so stay away please hope any1 can help
Answer #1
That’s not really a good idea. For starters they will probably block your email as spam after a few. Try phoning them. The numbers for 2 reps are on the site.
Answer #2
yeah but phoneing them they dont answer and it costs aot of money
Answer #3
Did you take into account any time zone differences? You might be calling in the middle of the night.
Answer #4
what do you mean? i called them at a time that they were awake liek 5.00am in the morning
Answer #5
5am your time or theirs? Are you in China?
BTW if you called me at 5am I’d give you an earfull of abuse and slam the phone down. Try between 9am and 5pm Chinese time.
Answer #6
lol no 5am my time i’m in the uk which is i dont knowwhat time but they seem to be online on msn and have blocked me all i would like is some compensation as i am 2000 pound out of pocket and paypal wont do anything he sent proof ofpostage which was 1 japanese ps3 which doesnt work meaning the cd drive doesnt read and sometime the cd jams
Answer #7
If your transaction was all legal and above board then I think your only real option is the police, if you really believe you were scammed. I tend to think a lameass postal worker somewhere is 10 PS3s richer…
Answer #8
yeah yo see i’ve doen this already i told the police and they wont follow up the investigation because they are in china and they said they cant do much and i contacted parcel force and they said i had only signed for 1 parcel meaning the never sent 10 so it was all down to them


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