How to add silences to a playlist?

January 27th, 2020

Basically I’m trying to arrange a playlist to train the spelling of over a 1000 words. I have the corresponding sound files from an online dictionary (this took quite a while, but it was sensible training anyway), but now I don’t really know how to play them in a way i have time to spell the word inbetween (each file is only like 1 or 2 seconds).
For this I would need a media player that can break for like 15 seconds between two songs (words). This way i can also shuffle the words without screwing up the word-silence sequence. Adding a silence-file to the playlist 1000 times is a bit undoable anyway.
I had a look at common players like iTunes, VLC, winamp and windows media player, but the option is either not there, or i overlooked it.
All suggestions would be much appreciated.

Answer #1
Try that.


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