How come my website loads so slow?

September 6th, 2013

I am using a power server, but it takes 6 seconds to load the page and I asked customer support, but they said the coding on my site might be bad. How do I improve the code on my website to make it load faster?
Answer #1
You could start with posting a test case (a link to one of your pages) so we can actually see the code.
Further more, any CMS being used? What host are you using?
Answer #2
zikko replied: You could start with posting a test case (a link to one of your pages) so we can actually see the code.
Further more, any CMS being used? What host are you using?

the home page of my website
I don’t know what CMS is.
I am using Hostgator.
Answer #3
CMS = content management system, or in your case wordpress
Anyway, it could be that you have to many plugins or widgits running, but from what I can tell, hostgator can have difficulties regarding CMS systems, depening on how much resources are used by other websites on the same server.
Answer #4
zikko replied: CMS = content management system, or in your case wordpress
Anyway, it could be that you have to many plugins or widgits running, but from what I can tell, hostgator can have difficulties regarding CMS systems, depening on how much resources are used by other websites on the same server.

What is a good hosting site you recommend, that would be perfect for a website like mine? Even with a lot of plugins.
If in the future would having a dedicated server make my website super fast even with a lot of plugins enabled?
Answer #5
jasonxman replied: zikko replied: CMS = content management system, or in your case wordpress
Anyway, it could be that you have to many plugins or widgits running, but from what I can tell, hostgator can have difficulties regarding CMS systems, depening on how much resources are used by other websites on the same server.

What is a good hosting site you recommend, that would be perfect for a website like mine? Even with a lot of plugins.
If in the future would having a dedicated server make my website super fast even with a lot of plugins enabled?

Hostgator shared webhosting is good enough for blogs and personal website. Dedicated server will definitely be good for your website but it will be expensive. You need to check what your requirements are such as is it a forum or site which has heavy traffic and the number of plugins.
Answer #6
Your site loads pretty fast for me, don’t know for the rest of you. Well, if you’re looking to move to another host, I recommend you to use
It’s cheap and has unlimited space and some other unlimited stuff in it. Try it if you decide to move. Your lagging might also occur because of the slide in the top of your site, it might consume some extra internet when loading.


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