Chrome extension – Automatically loads the next page of WBB

August 6th, 2016

I search for a Chrome extension which automatically loads the next page of a site inline when you reach the end of the current page for infinite scrolling of content.
I need it for WBB Search.
I tried these extensions but they don’t work with WBB and most of them worked with Google wesite.
Some of these extensions works with Firefox but i really need it for Chrome.
Any suggestions would be appreciated ……

Answer #1
Any help ?
Answer #2
Anyone …
Answer #3
I don’t think such thing exist. Otherwise someone would have replied.
Anyway, does any of those extension works with forum pages?
I mean, say you’re browsing app section. Will any of those automatically load next pages?
Answer #4
This is screenshot by Ziink with Firefox.
Ziink and Autopager work with firefox on WBB but doesn’t work with chrome.
Both work with Chrome on google website but not with WBB.
Anyway, i need it for Chrome.
Answer #5
I can only suggest that you try contacting the creators of the extensions that you put in your first post.
Ask them to add to their database.
I took a quick look at the AutoPagerize extension, it seems to work on ‘redex’ patterns – I presume this is the same for the other extensions. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to code redex.
Your best bet is to ask them to add this website.
Answer #6
Answer #7
You must be looking for this,
Answer #8

asylum7 wrote: Select all

You must be looking for this,
This doesn’t work with .
Well not for me anyway.
Answer #9
Thanks everyone.
I found what i was searching for.