cod5 wont work for me click new game and nothing loads

February 7th, 2020

im probably just really dumb
im running windows vista x64 =[
click the new game and diffuculty after booting and it wont load the levels it just stays at main screen

Answer #1
what version did u download rip full or scene release?
if its a rip did u install it correcT?
besides from that i dunno
Answer #2
third time in 5 minutes
this will help you
i had the same problem… this is what helped me to solve it out

killer_metallica wrote: Select all

Okay here’s a fix that worked with me 1: For Windows Vista, go to C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Activision\CoDWaW
For Windows XP, you can find it in Documents and Settings
2: Delete __CoDWaWmp (if you have it)
3: Go to players\profiles and delete all the player profiles there
4: Create a new folder with the name you want for your profile
5: Create a text file named �active� alongside your profile folder (do not put it in the profile folder you just created; the profile folder and text file are in the same folder–the profiles folder)
6: In the text file type your profile name and save it (make sure your profile folder and name in the text file match)
7: Run game and play!
The reason it does not start is because you do not have a profile to save your progress. To verify this ‘fix’ has worked, your profile name should appear in the main menu under “offline: name-of-your-profile” at the top right corner of the screen.