Hooking up a laptop to an old SDTV

August 29th, 2013

For movies, I download them, then hookup an HDMI cord to my acer laptop, and hook the other end into the HDTV. Then i just watch with the tv using Windows Media Player or w/e.
But most of the time the HDTV in the living room is being used, and the other TV’s in the house are old Standard def TVs. My question is .. is there a way to get a special wire… like a HDMI-RCA cable that I can use that will work with my old TVs?

Answer #1
what type of inputs does the SDTV have?
Answer #2
djferris123 replied: what type of inputs does the SDTV have?
It has the basic Yellow/White/Red inputs so i was thinking of looking for a cable like this:

I usually find all the cables i need on
but I cant seem to find that one on there
Answer #3
if u have a 360 or ps3 on that telly you could stream them alot easier. ive never tried using a pc on an SDTV as its apperently quite blurry.
Answer #4
I don’t think you are going to be able to do that using a laptop because a composite video output and left/right audio is needed as that is what the cable you have displayed is. Some older PC graphics cards did have TV outs which supported it but I don’t think laptops support it or can be made to. Analogue Composite video is 2nd worse behind RF for quality, so it isn’t anywhere close to RGB Scart or Component video.
European RGB Scart Connectors can be made to connect to PC vga connectors with a little work but I dpn’t think your TV’s support that.
The best option available would be to get a media player as those usually support Composite video but nothing better between that and HDMI. A media player will cost a bit more but the basic ones are quite cheap. I will recommend the Sumvision Cyclone Micro 2, Sumvision Cyclone Micro 2+, Sumvision TurnMeOn Micro 2 if you can get these where you are. iboum.com lists a US price of $45 but you might be able to get one cheaper or the older Micro 2. The Micro 2+ supports MKV header compression whereas I am not certain about the Micro 2 or TurMeOn M2. Check for a recent (Feb 2011) firmware update on those before deciding to purchase.


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