Help with hooking up TV to stereo system

January 26th, 2020

I’m trying to hook up my VIZIO HDTV to a stereo system to use its speakers. I bought an audio cable with white and red composite cords, and put them in the audio out from my TV and into the back of my system, but I can’t get it to play the TV sound. Anyone know of a solution?
Answer #1
Provide the full model numbers of both devices.
I’m not psychic, And I don’t like making guesses.
Set that aside, It’s beyond me why you hooked up any such cable to the TV itself!
These days, Most people have an external cable/sat box connected to their TV (as analog cable is pretty much dead)
And if anything, You should be connecting that box to your stereo system, And not the TV!
Answer #2
Stereo: Sony HCD-NE3
I don’t have a cable box, cable cord comes right out of the wall and into the TV.
Answer #3
It seems your TV has an integrated digital cable tuner, I guess that explains it!
Anyways, Back to business, I marked the output/input you need to use:

A 3.5MM Stereo>2X RCA cable is needed, Which looks like this:
Notice the two black rings on the 3.5mm plug, This indicates it’s Stereo (A single ring = Mono)
If you have bought an RCA AV cable (Red/White/Yellow on each side) or a plain RCA audio cable (Red/White on each side) then you’ve wasted your money as it’s useless for this task!
Answer #4
Thanks Roberto, I really appreciate it. Once I get it all set up, does the TV sound automatically go through the stereo or is there a certain “channel” or anything that it will have to be on?
Answer #5
Well, The TV should output to it automatically, But there are still a few things that needs to be done!
You should disable your TV’s integrated speakers, Refer to page 29 of your TV manual:
Also, You may need to change the analog audio out settings as well (Page 29)
The manual says this settings is volume related. And just to be clear, I’m referring to the page
numbers of the PDF itself (And not the page numbers as they appear on it – Which are not in sync)
For example, If you look at page 29, It says on the bottom that it’s 22! Just thought I’d point that out so you wouldn’t get confused. And lastly, You need to set up your stereo system to the right input:
Press FUNCTION repeatedly until �MD� appears.
That should do the trick. Good luck!
Answer #6
Just went out and bought the cord, only problem I’m having is that I don’t see a function button on the stereo, just a playmode/tuning mode button and it only changes it from “auto” to “preset”
Answer #7
“Function” is located on your remote.
Answer #8
I get it now, It’s on the remote!
Seems they weren’t clear enough on the manual (I checked on Google images and figured it out!)
Edit: Seems I was too late.
I guess great minds think alike
Answer #9
Makes sense haha, I found the stereo in the basement a couple days ago so I guess I’ll have to go remote hunting!
Thanks everyone
Answer #10
I get it now, It's on the remote!
Seems they weren't clear enough on the manual (I checked on Google images and figured it out!)
Edit: Seems I was too late.
I guess great minds think alike

Yeah, but it seems you are always in before me… for once I beat you to the punch… jk


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