Help on choosing Graphics Card

January 21st, 2020

Here’s my current specs
Phenom X3 8650
Red Fox N61PC-M2S
Kingston DDR2 2GB 667
500w PSU
A graphics card that could process games smoothly like GTA4, Crysis, and recent games.
Around 120$ / 5,600php
Here’s some sites i know

Current Choices (Recommendations are still welcome )
Palit GF 9800GT Super+ 1GB 256Bit DDR3
P 5,600.00
HIS ATI Radeon HD4670 512MB 128Bit DDR3
P 4,300.00

Answer #1
“NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT OC 1GB GDDR3”
Rings a bell, will fix you up for the future too.
You won’t be needing an upgrade anytime soon.
Answer #2
ATI Radeon 4870 X2
Answer #3
GTX 260
or any Graphics card from nvidia 2nd generation!
Answer #4
GTX295… =P
Little less money: 9800GT…
Answer #5
You forgot to specifiy a budget…
Answer #6
You forgot to specifiy a budget...
That urks me the most, when people ask for suggestions for a build, but they don’t put a price range… =( I mean.. I could build a nasty ass PC for 7,000, and a pretty good one for 1,000…
Answer #7
You forgot to specifiy a budget...
That urks me the most, when people ask for suggestions for a build, but they don't put a price range... =( I mean.. I could build a nasty ass PC for 7,000, and a pretty good one for 1,000...

Sorry about that, Edited first post
and on the recommendations, something more affordable
Answer #8
radeon hd 4770 for $110 dollars, best value around 100 dollars
but this weekend newegg has this hd 4850 on sale:
the hd 4770 and hd 4850 are pretty close, the hd 4850 is just a tad better.
Answer #9
radeon hd 4770 for $110 dollars, best value around 100 dollars
but this weekend newegg has this hd 4850 on sale:
the hd 4770 and hd 4850 are pretty close, the hd 4850 is just a tad better.

4850 is okay in dollars but when i check on local shops
the price is way too high
could you check here for a great card aroung 5,000php

Answer #10
wow, your selection stinks over there…and rsun seems a lot better than pcx, rsun seems cheaper
your choice between the 9800 gt and 4670
the 9800 gt is about 40% better than the 4670
Answer #11
wow, your selection stinks over there...and rsun seems a lot better than pcx, rsun seems cheaper
your choice between the 9800 gt and 4670
the 9800 gt is about 40% better than the 4670

Is this the same 9800gt card?
Cos it looks different Image
Also could you check this new site i’ve found
Answer #12
9800gt rocks
are there 512mb of that card? I dont need 1GB
Answer #13
Yea i think there is, GeForce� 9800GT (512MB)
Answer #14
Answer #15
i go for ATI Radeon 4870 X2 or 9800gt card .
ur computer rocks!! haha
Answer #16
wow, your selection stinks over there...and rsun seems a lot better than pcx, rsun seems cheaper
your choice between the 9800 gt and 4670
the 9800 gt is about 40% better than the 4670

Is this the same 9800gt card?
Cos it looks different Image
Also could you check this new site i've found

the look of the card doesnt really matter, different people make the cards using the gpu from either ati or nvidia.
basically, ati or nvidia make the gpu and sell it to companies such as palit or HIS, and then tell them how they “can” make the rest of the card.
even simpler, a 9800gt from HIS would perform very similar to a 9800gt from Palit.
usually the only difference in the card is the look and cooler.
i would still go with rsun, their prices are cheaper than the new place too
Answer #17

the look of the card doesnt really matter, different people make the cards using the gpu from either ati or nvidia.
basically, ati or nvidia make the gpu and sell it to companies such as palit or HIS, and then tell them how they "can" make the rest of the card.
even simpler, a 9800gt from HIS would perform very similar to a 9800gt from Palit.
usually the only difference in the card is the look and cooler.
i would still go with rsun, their prices are cheaper than the new place too

Thanks for the clarifications dude
I think i’m gonna go with your suggestion.
Thanks again
Answer #18
im just happy to help someone youre welcome
Answer #19
Dude you got a problem, you got a 500w psu all good/beasty video cards require at least 650w and it also depends on your motherboard if you have an AGP slot kiss your gaming days good-bye
and secondly, if you want to run crisis highest quality no lag you need a processor that has +6mb of cache and 4 GTX295 wich will cost you like 3,000 and well i dont know exactly your curency but as far as video cards go, since you have a amd computer your better off going with an ati chipset but if i were you i would get one of these Radeon 4850 Radeon 4870 Radeon 4870x2
Answer #20
has a good point, if you have an AGP slot rather than pci express, well thats not good, you could be buying an incompatible video card.
600W should be enough though for your system and the card, the card is not beasty.
but again on your budget and where you live, the 9800gt is your best best (although suggests pretty sweet cards)
download cpuz from here, then go to the mainboard tab, then go down to graphic interface and post your version to see what type of video card slot your motherboard has
Answer #21
yeah if i had your computer specs i would tell you exactly what to get in you budget and what is your budget exactly?
Answer #22
his budget is 120 usd/ 5,600 php
php=philipines money, and our stuff costs way more there
a 4850 521MB costs around 200 usd! (9,700 php)
Answer #23
his budget is 120 usd/ 5,600 php
php=philipines money, and our stuff costs way more there
a 4850 521MB costs around 200 usd! (9,700 php)

Yea it sucks here,
I can’t even buy from online shops,
Dont have any credit cards
Answer #24
none of the sites even use paypal?you can use your bank account with paypal to buy stuff
Answer #25
none of the sites even use paypal?you can use your bank account with paypal to buy stuff
I don’t have any bank account too
Answer #26
i think you should save your money for this time and go for ATI Radeon 4870…
if you need it desperately, maybe go for 4670… well, 4670 or 9800GT is not future-proof, you can still play games, but for example my friend use 9800GT and while playing GTA IV the graphic option must be medium…
you can imagine how long that videocard gonna last…
one more thing, HIS ATI Radeon HD 4870 IGB is just around $200 in my country…
i think you could get it with the same price, cuz we live in south-east asia as well…
Answer #27
i think you should save your money for this time and go for ATI Radeon 4870...
if you need it desperately, maybe go for 4670... well, 4670 or 9800GT is not future-proof, you can still play games, but for example my friend use 9800GT and while playing GTA IV the graphic option must be medium...
you can imagine how long that videocard gonna last...
one more thing, HIS ATI Radeon HD 4870 IGB is just around $200 in my country...
i think you could get it with the same price, cuz we live in south-east asia as well...

On what screen resolution is he playing GTA IV?
Answer #28
ok if you desperetly need a good graphics card for dirt cheap get the BFG 9600gt oc from the specs that i herd from its a tad more powerfull than the 9800gt
uses less power from the power supply than the average(minimum requirements for the 9600gt 425W)
and its ~85 canadien so it would be in your budget and the specs are pretty good you wont be able to play crisis but definetly GTA 4 and the other ones like that
here’s where you can purchase it
if you have a bit more money(~190 canadien) i highly recomend the other overclocked one which is here
EDIT: WHAT IS YOUR MOTHERBOARD!!!! AFTER SEARCHING FOR 10 mins i came to the conclusion that it doesnt exist or its one of these
post the link here to the right picture and if its not there then please send us a picture or link to the motherboad
Answer #29
if the 9600gt oc performs better than the 9800gt, it is only because the 9600 is overclocked from the factory.
you could easily overclock the 9800gt in the nvidia control panel to raise performance
Answer #30
ok if you desperetly need a good graphics card for dirt cheap get the BFG 9600gt oc from the specs that i herd from its a tad more powerfull than the 9800gt
uses less power from the power supply than the average(minimum requirements for the 9600gt 425W)
and its ~85 canadien so it would be in your budget and the specs are pretty good you wont be able to play crisis but definetly GTA 4 and the other ones like that
here's where you can purchase it
if you have a bit more money(~190 canadien) i highly recomend the other overclocked one which is here
EDIT: WHAT IS YOUR MOTHERBOARD!!!! AFTER SEARCHING FOR 10 mins i came to the conclusion that it doesnt exist or its one of these
post the link here to the right picture and if its not there then please send us a picture or link to the motherboad

It’s not exactly the same but it has some of the same features as this board
Answer #31
at this time, the features of the board are not importat
we need to know what graphics card slot version you have (pcie or agp)
Answer #32
Answer #33
if the 9600gt oc performs better than the 9800gt, it is only because the 9600 is overclocked from the factory.
you could easily overclock the 9800gt in the nvidia control panel to raise performance

yeah i know that but i dont think he can afford the 9800gt cuz
5,600.00 PHP = 131.560 CAD and so the 9800gt is 139.99 CAD and dont forget shiping and handling and taxes cuz your buying it in canada yuo might need the extra money
Answer #34
i think you should save your money for this time and go for ATI Radeon 4870...
if you need it desperately, maybe go for 4670... well, 4670 or 9800GT is not future-proof, you can still play games, but for example my friend use 9800GT and while playing GTA IV the graphic option must be medium...
you can imagine how long that videocard gonna last...
one more thing, HIS ATI Radeon HD 4870 IGB is just around $200 in my country...
i think you could get it with the same price, cuz we live in south-east asia as well...

On what screen resolution is he playing GTA IV?

ahh, i forgot… sorry, he’s on vacation and cannot reach him right now…
if i was right maybe 1280×1024… if i tried higher the camera movement seems a bit slow (not sharp) than before…
Answer #35
why does he have to buy from canada?
his rsun place that he found was in his own county
Answer #36
well he doesnt have to but im just using that as price in sorry if i was imposing that your going to buy it in canada but what is the site that he’s going to buy it from?
Answer #37
its on the first page
Answer #38
The graphics card i am currently using is NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT and to be honest, its great.
I have used it to play many high quality games with this like MotoGP 08 and GTA4 also all of my mates use this card and say its the best.
Most of them are really big on computers and gaming and are always testing and playing games all the time and they have said this one suits there needs and are very satisified with its quality image.
So if your looking for a good one you should consider this one.
Answer #39
9800 GT is the best deal for that price
Answer #40

yeah i know that but i dont think he can afford the 9800gt cuz
5,600.00 PHP = 131.560 CAD and so the 9800gt is 139.99 CAD and dont forget shiping and handling and taxes cuz your buying it in canada yuo might need the extra money

like said,
I’ll be buying from a local shop.

ahh, i forgot... sorry, he's on vacation and cannot reach him right now...
if i was right maybe 1280x1024... if i tried higher the camera movement seems a bit slow (not sharp) than before...

Medium Settings is good for me
Just as long as it’s playable
The graphics card i am currently using is NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT and to be honest, its great.
I have used it to play many high quality games with this like MotoGP 08 and GTA4 also all of my mates use this card and say its the best.
Most of them are really big on computers and gaming and are always testing and playing games all the time and they have said this one suits there needs and are very satisified with its quality image.
So if your looking for a good one you should consider this one.

Then the 9800GT would be better

%u0192reeman wrote: Select all

9800 GT is the best deal for that price
Yeah, i’ll go with the 9800GT as alot of you peeps suggested
Answer #41
I currently have the ATI Radeon HD4670 512MB 128Bit DDR3 running along with a 2.9 E740 Core 2 Duo and 4gbs of ddr2 ram. Don’t know what motherboard I have. I would get the ATI Radeon HD4670 512MB 128Bit DDR3
as it is more usefull.
Answer #42
More useful how?
Answer #43
well, isint the Radeon HD4670 ATI’s version of the 9800GT?? i think it is, im not 100% sure but i think it is and anyways, your better off with the 9800 it has more technologies than ATI
Answer #44
the 9800 beats the 4670 in performance by about 40%
in other words: (1)9800gt=(1.4)radeon 4670