Downloading techniques?

August 7th, 2016

Hi All!
I’m new to the rapidshare downloading thing and was wondering if there is a quicker way to download files rather than having to copy an paste 15 links??
any tips would be great!

Answer #1
Moving To Helpdesk ~ ~
Answer #2
Do you have a premium account? Is you do then download Flashget which is a freeware and you can get it by Googling it. Install it and in the main window of Flashget click Tools–>Default Download Properties. Enable “Login to server” and type in your Rapidshare details. Then just copy all the links you want to download and start them with Rapidshare. This will download everything without you having to separately copy and paste all the links. Also, go to Tools–>Options–>Connection. There set the number of maximum simultaneous downloads to whatever value you want, I would recommend 1. Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #3
Try this tutorial:
Answer #4
Best way is premium account other wise struggle with USD/CMS grabber with proxy………search with bold names u will get lot of tuts
Answer #5
Download a manager called IDM then login rapidshare and set to direct downloads in options and copy pasete your links to IDM then it will automatically download all of them for you.
Answer #6
Sorry forgot to mention that I’m using a Mac…. Do any of you know of a programme siimilar to Igetter IDM ETC?


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