Cinavia to stop msg on audio

August 9th, 2016

I have tried a few things but how do put link for movie. When ppl put a link for movie then i download
movie link,then when i put a dvd then put my tv , i get this Message Code 3.”
I know it is to be protected,but anyone have a way to get rid of this.
Thank you for any ideas
Please remember to double check that all your links have been coded. #3.10 links must be coded - including, but not limited to, e-mail addresses, passwords and internal links.

Link checked on Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:55 pm []

Answer #1
Your best option is using the search. There was a couple of discussions bumped last week heres the links..

Answer #2
I have tried a few things
I had this issue 2 nights ago after traveling 2 hours to visit friends, I had downloaded BR rips and burned them to dvd instead of DVD rips and when I got there and we settled in for movie night, this message showed.
Luckily we had an old DVD player pre 2012. In 2012 it became mandatory for all Blue-ray players to accommodate this protection.
Answer #3
get a media player that does not support cinavia and it will not bother you. in other words stop using devices that support cinavia to play protected movie files. you can use flash drives which are easier and faster than burning dvds.
that is the easiest way around it. that or use a htpc that does not bother with cinavia as you should be able to play a cinavia protected media file okay on a pc. a htpc could play most types of media
Answer #4
tx for the info ya’ll . ill just to get a dvd player.
It has been 1 year or more to search googles and
and no fix.


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