Can’T open DVD rom

October 15th, 2013

now i can’t open DVD rom .. why? even i can’t find CD/DVD drives on device manager .. help me

Answer #1
Check that the cables are securely connected if it’s a desktop, sometimes they wiggle loose with heat or vibrations.
Answer #2
It might be the rubber band on the spindle that extracts the door open/closed inside the DVD/ROM player, if you hear the door at least making a attempt to open then it’s the rubber band an it can be replaced manually.
Answer #3
hi guys .. this morning i can open back without do anything .. what happen? why yesterday i can’t open and lost drives in device manager ?
Answer #4
koko2007 replied: hi guys .. this morning i can open back without do anything .. what happen? why yesterday i can't open and lost drives in device manager ?
As I mentioned above, it could just be a loose connection on the data cable, or it might need replacing (if it happens again)


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