Can this power supply run ATi Radeon 6770

November 16th, 2013

K here is a picture of my power supply.Also can someone tell me difference between this 2 cards that i placed links.

I would appreciate your help guys.Point is i have 70 euros and i try to get best graphic card as i can.

Answer #1
That didn’t help, you need to be more specific. Which PSU model do you have?
Answer #2
PX 500 as u can see
Answer #3
daxdax89 replied: PX 500 as u can see
Sorry, I somehow failed to notice it. Anyways HD6770 is a power-efficient card. So you are good to go. Below is a pic of “Power Consumption” chart:

Answer #4
Thanks and what is a difference between Sapphier and Powercolor 6770 so?
Answer #5
daxdax89 replied: Thanks and what is a difference between Sapphier and Powercolor 6770 so?
Design, and cooler. Anyways, if you are buying the 6770 get the MSI R6770 TFII/OC.
Answer #6
Also, a point to note is that the above chart is the draw for the whole system. The test system for that test had an overclocked i7 980x. Your consumption would be significantly lower depending on your CPU. You also have to account for the efficiency of the PSU. If you have an 80% efficient 500W PSU you’d be drawing 600W from the wall when the PSU is at 500W load.
Answer #7
Ok so conclusion is that buying new PSU is not urgent.Now i prolly have to get 6 pin conenctor to right?Is not like i jsut stick it in motherboard and all ok.And is PwerColor 6770 ok to buy?
Answer #8
Wattage isn’t really important. Stability and overall quality of the PSU is what you need to look for. I would never trust my computer to a PSU like that.
And is PwerColor 6770 ok to buy?Any card is fine. No point in spending so much for a low range card.
Answer #9
Ok thanks man


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